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anacreon:game:tl [2018/05/17 14:05] wtvd0anacreon:game:tl [2018/05/17 15:03] (current) – removed wtvd0
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-====== Tech Level ====== 
-All [[anacreon:game:planets]], [[anacreon:game:units]] and [[anacreon:game:resources]] have a [[anacreon:game:TL|Tech Level]], or "TL". Tech level determines what a planet can be [[anacreon:game:designation|designated]] as and what resources and units it can produce. Planetary TL also affects [[anacreon:game#labor]] output, [[anacreon:game:resources#consumer_goods|consumer goods]] consumption, and whether certain [[anacreon:game:structures]] can be built. Player empires can modify planets' tech level. 
-===== Effects that Modify Planetary Tech Level ===== 
-==== Fated TL==== 
-All planets have a [[anacreon:game:planets#fated_tl|fated tech level]] that they will gradually revert to if they are not subject to another effect that modifies TL. Planets' fated TLs are determined at game start and cannot be permanently changed. 
-==== Designation ==== 
-Any planet given a [[anacreon:game:designation]] other than "autonomous" will gradually increase in TL up to TL 5 if their TL is lower at any point. Many new designations, [[anacreon:game:structures#technology_programs|tech programs]], and the [[anacreon:game:starport]] structure (which doubles trade route range) become available at TL 5. If a player wants to give a planet a designation but its TL is currently too low, giving it a basic designation like [[anacreon:game:designation#consumer_goods_autofac|consumer goods autofac]] is a good way to cause it to rise to a more useful TL. 
-==== Technology Programs ==== 
-[[anacreon:game:structures#Tech_programs|Technology programs]] are structures that convert a fraction of planetary [[anacreon:game:labor]] into TL on a single planet. Programs can be used to raise TL up to TL 7 on most worlds and up to TL10 on the [[anacreon:game:designation#imperial_capital|imperial capital]]. 
-==== Foundation Trade Route ==== 
-Planets can gain TLs by [[anacreon:game:trade|importing]] them from a [[anacreon:game:designation#foundation]] planet using a [[anacreon:game:trade#trade_route|trade route]]. 
-==== Resource Shortages ==== 
-Planets will lose a fraction of a TL for each watch that the [[anacreon:game:planets#planetary_population|planetary population's]] demand for [[anacreon:game:resources#consumer_goods|consumer goods]] or [[anacreon:game:resources#life_support_resources|life support resources]] is not fully met. This loss of TL can be counteracted by TL-raising effects like tech programs and foundation trade routes. 
-===== Planetary Designations by Tech Level ===== 
-See the [[anacreon:game:designation]] page. 
-===== Resources by Tech Level ===== 
-See the [[anacreon:eras:era3:resources|resources table]]. 
-===== Units by Tech Level ===== 
-See the [[anacreon:eras:era3:units|units table]].