Sandbox Base (SB): \\ 1. Topology - Drako\\ 2. Faction reputation system - Use(?) Dynamic Soverigns need ways to ally/befriend factions [Some tweaking needed] DONE!\\ 3. Dynamic systems - Stations respawn too fast \\ 4. Additional Weapons - WE4 D1gdug -does not like plyshipchanging :( \\ 5. Advanced Long Range Scanner - DONE!\\ 6. What to do with mods that are huge like Playership Drones \\ \\ Fluff (FF):\\ 1. Anomalies - Drako DSMK2 \\ Djohaal: \\ 1a.random idea for blackholes \\ 1b.they'll have a ring of collision area that deals heavy dark matter damage \\ 1c.(dark acid/metal/fire whatever) \\ 1d.and then a inner circle where if your ship ends up it'll hyperjump you to a random system \\ 1e.the idea is, if your ship is badass enough to survive the outer ring, you gain a free random jump :D \\ \\ 2. Sovereign expansions - See: \\ - Ares Extension - DONE!\\ 3. Dynamic Economy \\ 4. Advanced Targeting \\ 5. CW Radio\\ hailing calls and radio chatter \\ 6. Bank Faction \\ 7. Planet Stuff\\ - Orbit - Framework done\\ - Landing - Need to get backgrounds for planet surface, nebulas for land\\ 8. NPC mining\\ Option 1 \\ -have a ship that shoots at all asteroids\\ -have a scavenger ship that collects ore\\ Option 2\\ -have a ship that shoots and collects ore (like what shpOrder 'mine was supposed to do) \\ 9. NPC rescue missions\\ 10. Civilian ships for each faction \\ 11. Tutorial\\ 12. mining permit \\ Need to do illegal mining reactions of: \\ ferians \\ ringer \\ Ranx \\ Ares \\ CW \\ 13. Empire Expansion -player creates empire \\ 14. ship scale decontamination sprays- little ships that have a weapon to decon \\ 15. Why IAV's look standardized: \\ 16. Sun does damage and gravity\\ 17. Use Djohaal's galaxies and Ttech's galaxies \\ 18. go through dvlenk6's stuff! \\ 19. :D \\ 20. Trap roms that do bad enhancements \\ 21. REAL autopilot \\ \\ 22. different player starts: \\ Sung Start:\\ Steel slaver ship\\ \\ Ares Start:\\ Tundra ship\\ \\ CW Starts:\\ the Vanilla ships\\ \\ Ranx Start:\\ Ranx gunship\\ \\ \\ Mission ideas: (they are old threads so NO necromancy!) \\ \\ new ship call in \\ \\ new insurance func \\ \\ item bank \\ \\ more escort \\ \\ auton and smuggler's cargo hold \\ some undone ideas from here: \\ \\ more missions: \\ \\ Expand CW fleet: \\ \\ ;expand \\ \\ BM ideas: \\ \\ \\ \\ TODO:\\ SB:\\ # 2 3 4\\ FF:\\ \\ Discussion:\\ Class based system\\ Playerships [Keep the original three or make new ones?]\\