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Unnamed Permadeath Succession #1


  • Please remember that this is Pacific Standard time!

Solar GeoThe ShrikeRPC???XephyrStarweaverWatch TV, Do Nothing

Taking a Turn

Anybody can take a turn, but make sure that it is done while nobody else is taking it as well (so there are no succession conflicts.)
Remember to download the Extensions here.

  1. Download the save file from the last post/turn on the thread.
  2. Play the game.
  3. Post about your turn, and link the save file onto that post (Even if you play on the Dropbox folder). Pictures highly recommended.

Suggestions for next Perma

I suggest next time we use Empty Wrecks Explode (I'll see about tweaking it before then), any scuttle mod (for those wrecks that have damaged crap on them, I've got a tweaked version of the original I can check against dockscreen changes if there isn't a good new one), and SOMETHING that can delete the million extra tonnes of plasteel and titanium that are floating around. I think this will both lighten the save files and speed up the game.

community/project/succession_games.1334444149.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/12/27 04:40 (external edit)