^ ^ {{:icons:missileicon.jpg}} | ^ Name | S3 Medusa missile | ^ UNID | &itS3Missile | ^ Level | IX | ^ Base value | 250 | ^ Mass | 300 Kg | ^ Frequency | uncommon | ^ Damage | thermo:4d12 (4-48) momentum6; WMD1; | ^ Fire rate | 40 (1.3/second) | ^ Power use | 100 (10MW) | ^ Lifetime | 20 | ^ Speed | 30 | ^ Maneuverability | unguided | ^ Hitpoints | 40 | ^ Launcher | [[nami_heavy_launcher|NAMI Heavy Launcher]] | ^ Fragment: Missiles 12 ^^ ^ Damage | thermo:3d12 (3-36) momentum3; WMD1; | ^ Speed | 40 | ^ Lifetime | 120 | ^ Maneuverability | 2 | ^ Multitarget | true | ==== Game Description ==== "Soon after launch, the S3 Medusa explodes to reveal a dozen independently-tracking thermonuclear missiles. The S3 requires the NAMI heavy launcher." ==== Community Description ==== Like three dozen angry snakes, this Heavy Missile packs on the pain with individual tracking missiles to hunt down masses of targets and give them a lesson on thermodynamics no enemy will soon forget.