^ ^ {{:icons:missileicon.jpg}} | ^ Name | XM900 Lucifer missile | ^ UNID | &itXM900Missile | ^ Level | VII | ^ Base value | 150 | ^ Mass | 100 Kg | ^ Frequency | uncommon | ^ Damage | thermo:6d24 (6-144) momentum6; WMD7 | ^ Fire rate | 30 (2/second) | ^ Power use | 10 (2MW) | ^ Lifetime | 120 | ^ Speed | 40 | ^ Maneuverability | 2 | ^ Hitpoints | 20 | ^ Launcher | [[nami_missile_launcher|NAMI Missile Launcher]] | ^ Fragment: Radius ^^ ^ Damage | thermo:6d24 (6-144) momentum6; WMD7; | ^ Size | 4 | ==== Game Description ==== "An optical tracking missile carrying a 100-kiloton thermonuclear warhead. The XM900 is tightly controlled; only military vessels may carry them." ==== Community Description ==== Like the Fallen Angel, this missile brings nothing but pain to the enemy. Packing deadly thermo damage, and severe WMD power, this military-only missile delivers Hell to whatever is on the receiving end of this [[nami_missile_launcher|NAMI]] missile.