Discuss this page on this page's [[atmAtomTable Talk Page|Talk Page]]. === atmAtomTable === atmAtomTable is not included in the Xelerus list. ^ Syntax | (atmAtomTable ((atom1 entry1) (atom2 entry2) ... (atomn entryn))) -> atmtable | ^ Argument List | atom1, atom2, ...: integers used to look up entries in the atom table. | ^ | entry1, entry2, ...: variables (and other objects?) stored as entries in the atom table. | ^ | object: a variable (or other object?) that is stored with the integer given in number. | ^ Returns | atmtable: The table containing pairs of atoms and entries. | ^ Category | [[atom functions]] | ^ Description | This generates a table of atoms. | === Example === Example from [[http://www.neurohack.com/transcendence/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2108&highlight=atmaddentry|alterecco's post]] (setq a (atmAtomTable (list '(string hello) (list "5" " Print") (list 3 "World") '(8 "me")) )) Returns table \\ (0,?, \\ 3,"world", \\ 5,"Print", \\ 8,"me") \\ //(I'm not sure what 'hello' turns into)// IMPORTANT: It is not known whether this function is stable for use. Use with caution!