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See shpOrder at Xelerus

Syntax (shpOrder ship string [expression])
Arguments ship: The ship that you want to order.
string: A string representing the order.
expression: The optional arguments if needed by the order. Multiple arguments possible
Returns condition: True if successful, Nil otherwise.
Category orders, ship
Description Gives the ship the order.
  • shpOrder
    • ship
      • order
        • “guard”
          • Target
        • “dock”
          • Target
        • “attack”
          • Target
          • [Duration in seconds]
        • “wait”
          • [Duration in seconds]
        • “gate”
          • Target (does not need to be a stargate)
        • “gateOnThreat”
        • “gateOnStationDestroyed”
        • “patrol”
          • Target
          • Distance
        • “escort”
          • Target
          • [Angle]|[Formation]
          • [Distance]
        • “scavenge”
        • “followPlayerThroughGate”
          • Target
        • “attackNearestEnemy”
        • “tradeRoute”
        • “wander”
        • “loot”
          • Target
        • “hold”
          • Duration
        • “mine”
          • Target
        • “waitForPlayer”
        • “attackPlayerOnReturn”
        • “follow”
          • Target
        • “navPath”
          • Integer 1)
        • “goto”
          • Object
        • “waitForTarget”
          • Target
          • Integer 2)
          • Integer 3)
        • “waitForEnemy”
          • Duration
        • “bombard”
          • Target
          • Integer 4)
        • “approach”
          • Target
          • Distance
        • “aim”
          • Target
        • “orbit”
          • Target
          • Distance
          • Integer 5)
        • “holdCourse”
          • Angle
          • Distance
        • “turnTo”
          • Angle (absolute)
        • “attackHold”
          • Target
          • Duration
        • “attackStation”
          • Target
          • Integer 6)
        • “fireEvent” Fires the event on the target's event handler. aShipObj is the ship that fired it.
          • Target
          • String (event name)
        • “waitForUndock”
          • Target
          • Duration
        • “sendMessage”
          • Target
          • Message
        • “attackArea”
          • Target 7)
          • Integer 8)
          • Integer 9)
        • “holdAndAttack”
          • Target
          • Integer 10)
        • “gotoPos”
          • Position vector
        • “waitForThreat”
          • Duration
        • “sentry”
          • Target
          • Integer 11)


(shpOrder gPlayerShip 'wait)

Returns True, ordering the player to wait doesn't do much. Return to Functions list

1) , 2) , 3) , 4) , 5) , 6) , 7) , 8) , 9) , 10) , 11)
modding/function/shporder.1489026202.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/03/09 02:23 by 0xabcdef