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Mod: Cheat Codes

Author: Sdw195
Awards: Mod of the Month November 2011
Link: Cheat Codes
Community Description:
A nice handy mod in similar vein to DSF, this mod is a must have for those who just need to cheat or are in a hurry to get their fleet stats up to test a new mod.


How to use:
Simply get the game into the debug_console mode and use the cheats provided.


Function What it does
fltstats Prints fleet stats
fltrank num Sets Fleet rank 1 2 3 4 5 6
fltxp num Sets Fleet xp a number num can be 0 - 10000
fltmssu numSets Total number of successful missions num is number of successful fleet missions
fltmsfl numSets Total number of failed missions num is number of failed fleet missions
fltmsst numFleet Mission Status num can be 1 2 3 or blank, csc must be targeted for this to work
bmxpblack market xp
bmlvlblack market level
hrestsdoes all the hertic missions for you
antsts(antsts 1) will make the antarctica friendly (antsts 2) will make it neutral (antsts 3) enemy, antarctica MUST be targeted for it to work
easykills1 hit kills on everything
uaUnlimited ammo for missile launchers
moreammomore ammo for missile launchers and ammo weapons ( eg smart cannon)
trgrominstalls a Targeting rom the GalacticMap and SRSEnhancer
shldshield you from all attacks
cleanslatewas that a commonwealth station you just blew up?? opps, I guess you will be needing this (works with commonwealth, black market, corp and fleet cimes) pirate!
mnyget free moneys :D. usage (mny amount [currency]) use 'rin , 'credit or any coustom 'currency or just leave it blank for credits
flcrimedisplays fleet cirme, use (flcrime number text) to set it, (flcrime 0 nil ) to remove any crimes
bmcrimedisplays black market crime, use (bmcrime text cost) to set it, (bmcrime nil 0) to remove any crimes
chcrimedisplays corp cirme, use (chcrime number text) to set it, (chcrime 0 nil ) to remove any crimes
cwcrimedisplays commonwealth crimes, use (cwcrime num text record) to set it, (cwcrime 0 nil 0) to remove any crimes
mlthelp2rank and mission status info
mltstatsPrints militia stats
mltrank numSets militia rank num can be -1 1 2 3
mltmssu numSets Total number of successful missions num is number of successful militia missions
mltmsfl numSets Total number of failed missions num is number of failed militia missions
mltmsst nummilitia Mission Status num can be 1 2 3 or blank, fortress must be targeted for this to work
fuelunlimited fuel
wmanmake the targeted ship your wingman
HALP what you need, when you need it, (halp [number] [number2] ) toggle on/off 99 max, ships: 1 deimos 2 aquilla 3 ranx dred 4 phobos 5 worldship 6 sentinel nil britannia
domxp(domxp [num]) adds [num] your domina xp, if used without a number, it displays domina level and xp data
domlvl(domlvl [num]) sets your domina level, only usage is when wanting to lower ones level, as domxp automatically raises levels when xp is modified
dompowertoggle on/off gives you almost unlimited domina powers
domatt(domatt [Number]) adds to the sisters Attitude towards you (only use if you know what your doing)
timestop(timestop) toggles on/off stops time for everything but you
gate2(gate2 [“name”]) use (gate2) for more info
New to V.80
Installlists items in hold that are installable, use (install ##) to remove them
removelists items installed that are removeable, use (remove ##) to remove them
armorlists armor in hold that are installable, use (armor ##) to install them, Will replace all armor, and spawn extra pieces if needed
perma gives you perma life, your shield and armor will take damage, but you wont ever die, your results may differ
F (F number [code] ) getting tired of typing long command, well now you can save them, eg (f 1 (shld)) to save it, and (f 1) to toggle shld, will work across ALL saves
New to V.85
Fint (Fint (code) ) on game start run command, eg (fint (shld)) to save it, And when ever you start a new game you will start with shields loaded
FSint (FSint (code) ) on gate in run command, eg (fsint (findwaldo)) to save it, And when ever you gate to a system, it will be mapped
playerdrones (playerdrones ) create a drone from the popular mod by pm (playerdrones “name”) to list all with that name, then (playerdrones id) to create and switch to it
restorerestores you armor, heals your shield and refules your ship, fixes Paralysis and display, if a ship is targeted, it will repair all armor on it
mapunvmaps the universe

Fishinspace codes, (a huge thank you to him)

more(more “[Name of Item]”), adds items to your cargo hold by name
warp (warp [Optional: Number]), Type (warp) to retrieve a list of possible destinations. Each destination has a number. To list enemy stations, use (warp 'E)
findwaldo(findwaldo), maps all stations in current system
fort (fort “[Name of station]” ) lists stations with that name, use (fort ##) to spawn them
ace(ace [Ship Choice] [Optional: Number]) To learn how to use, simply type “(ace)” with no parameters, and instructions will appear in the debug screen
aid(aid [Optional: Fleet Choice] [Optional: New Escort-Fleet Name] [Optional: Perimeter Size]) Assigns an (ace) fleet to escort a targeted ship. Check (ace) or (aid) for more info
hire(hire [Optional: Number]), Assigns a selected ship as a wingman. If [Number] is specified, (hire) will instead clone that many of the targeted ship and assign the clones as wingmen..
mule(mule [Number] [Optional: Mule Type]) Creates however many regular mules are specified in [Number]. There is only one optional [Mule Type] 1 = A super tough mule
stash(stash [Number]), [Number] is the index of the mule to retrieve
mods/cheat_codes.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/27 04:40 by