image from Trans start goes here (where the ships fight)\\ ===== Name of ship===== Description: \\ ^ |Curudan's gif of the ship here| ^ Name || ^ UNID || ^ Class || ^ Type || ^ Score || ^ Mass || ^ Cargo Space || ^ Max Speed || ^ Thrust || ^ Maneuverability || ^ Wreck Chance || ^ Armor ^^ | [[:armortype]] Xnumber of segs|| ^ Shields^^ ||[[:shieldtype]]|| ^ Weapons^^ ||[[:weapon]]|| ^Utilities^^ |[[:utility]]||\\ \\ ===== Tactics ===== Some tips to help novices. ===== ideas and suggestions: ===== -a player wants to know what the ship is, where its found, when its found, what it can do (weapons), and how it relates to them -And then a modder wants to know what armor ids it uses, what id the ship has, types of enhacnements damage etc