^ ^ {{:icons:magicon.jpg}} | ^ Name | 800F Hexagene MAG | ^ UNID | &it800HexageneMAG | ^ Level | V | ^ Base value | 50 | ^ Mass | 30 Kg | ^ Frequency | common | ^ Damage | blast:12d6 (12-72) WMD5; | ^ Fire rate | 20 (3/second) | ^ Power use | 20 (2MW) | ^ Lifetime | 80 | ^ Speed | 30 | ^ Maneuverability | unguided | ^ Hitpoints | 20 | ^ Launcher | [[mag_launcher|MAG Launcher]] | ^ Fragment: Missiles 5d6 (5-30) ^^ ^ Damage | kinetic:1d6+2 (3-9) WMD1; | ^ Lifetime | 12 | ^ Speed | 40-60 | ==== Game Description ==== "The largest MAG in common use, the 800 series packs twice as much hexagene as the 400 MAG and surrounds it with a fragmentation jacket." ===== Community Description ==== When the [[400_hexagene_mag|400MAG]] or [[600_hexagene_mag|600MAG]] isn't enough, this grenade gets the job done. With the addition of a fragmentation effect, this mag is very effective against large masses of enemies and even stations.