^ ^ {{:icons:ammoicon.jpg}} | ^ Name | Ares micronuke | ^ UNID | &itMicronuke | ^ Level | VII | ^ Base value | 350 | ^ Mass | 20 Kg | ^ Frequency | common | ^ Damage | thermo:3d12 (3-36) WMD3; | ^ Fire rate | 40 (1.2/second) | ^ Power use | 200 (20MW) | ^ Lifetime | 180 | ^ Speed | 60 | ^ Maneuverability | unguided | ^ Hitpoints | 20 | ^ Fragment: Area ^^ ^ Damage | thermo:1d12 (1-12) WMD3; | ^ Speed | 35 | ^ Lifetime | 24 | ==== Game Description ==== "Micronukes are launched by the Ares micronuke cannon." ==== Community Description ==== The Ares really pack on the pain with this missile system, which, thanks to its very large area attack, proves to be a very good weapon in the player's hands. Luckily, these are quite often found on Ares ships, notably the Tundra-class ships.