~~NOTOC~~ ^ ^ {{:icons:crateicon.jpg|}} ^ ^ Name | cryofrozen prime beef | ^ UNID | &itPrimeBeef; | ^ Level | 8 | ^ Base value | 450 | ^ Mass | 150 | ^ Frequency | common | ^ Station Sell Prices ^| |Commonwealth Stations|495| |Corporate Trading Post|495| |Ringers (Rins)|90| |Teratons (Rins)|90| |Taikon Ventures (Rins)|90| ^ Station Buy Prices ^| |Commonwealth Stations |405| |Corporate Enclave|540| |Corporate Trading Post|382| |**Hotel**|**562**| |Medical Suburb|540| ==== Game Description ==== "Most people think vat-grown beef is good enough and far more affordable, but connoisseurs cannot get enough of this organically-grown prime beef."