^ ^ {{:icons:missileicon.jpg}} | ^ Name | Gotha-10 missile | ^ UNID | &itGotha10Missile | ^ Level | VIII | ^ Base value | 50 | ^ Mass | 50 Kg | ^ Frequency | common | ^ Damage | thermo:4d12 (4-48) momentum3; WMD7 | ^ Fire rate | 15 (3.7/second) | ^ Power use | 50 (5MW) | ^ Lifetime | 120 | ^ Speed | 70 | ^ Maneuverability | unguided | ^ Hitpoints | 20 | ^ Launcher | [[rasiermesser_launcher|Rasiermesser Launcher]] | ==== Game Description ==== "This hypervelocity missile is compatible with the Rasiermesser launcher." ==== Community Description ==== This entry level [[rasiermesser_launcher|Rasiermesser]] missile is similar to the [[makayev_launcher|Makayev]] missiles, in the sense that it must be fired in large amounts for the full effect. Common and cheap, if you want to swap from NAMI or MAG, this could be a good choice.