^ ^ {{:icons:missileicon.jpg}} | ^ Name | KM110 Starburst missile | ^ UNID | &itFragmentationMissile | ^ Level | III | ^ Base value | 30 | ^ Mass | 50 Kg | ^ Frequency | common | ^ Damage | blast:2d6+2 (4-14) momentum2; WMD1 | ^ Fire rate | 30 (2/second) | ^ Power use | 10 (1MW) | ^ Lifetime | 120 | ^ Speed | 45 | ^ Maneuverability | unguided | ^ Hitpoints | 10 | ^ Launcher | [[nami_missile_launcher|NAMI Missile Launcher]] | ^ Fragment: Missiles 5d6 (5-30) ^^ ^ Damage | kinetic:1d6+2 (3-9) WMD1; | ^ Lifetime | 5 | ^ Speed | 32-48 | ==== Game Description ==== The warhead of this NAMI-compatible missile explodes into more than a dozen high-velocity shards." ==== Community Description ==== This missile, fired by the versatile [[nami_missile_launcher|NAMI missile launcher]], explodes on contact, or after a set time, sending fragments flying. On paper, it is less powerful than the [[km100_longbow_missile|KM100 Longbow]], however the individual shards deal more damage than the aforementioned missile.