^ ^ {{:icons:ammoicon.jpg}} | ^ Name | Nandao bolt cartridge | ^ UNID | &itParticleBoltCartridge | ^ Level | V | ^ Base value | 15 | ^ Mass | 25 Kg | ^ Frequency | common | ^ Damage | particle:12d8+6 (18-102) WMD4; | ^ Fire rate | 30 (2/second) | ^ Power use | 60 (6MW) | ^ Lifetime | 100 | ^ Speed | 60 | ^ Maneuverability | unguided | ^ Hitpoints | 15 | ^ Launcher | [[nandao_bolt_cannon|Nandao bolt cannon]] | ==== Game Description ==== "This energy cartridge is used by the Nandao bolt cannon." ==== Community Description ==== This powerful, common and relatively cheap ammunition may be a good investment for those who prefer ammo-based weapons. Notably, this weapon has a long lifespan, making it useful for long-range attacks on enemy stations and craft.