~~NOTOC~~ ^ ^ {{icons:weaponicon.jpg}} ^ ^ Name | Project Lamplighter prototype | ^ UNID | &itLamplighterPrototype; | ^ Level | X | ^ Base Value | 600000 | ^ Mass | 5500 (5.5 tons) | ^ Frequency | notrandom | ^ Damage | antimatter:4d12 (4-48) WMD5; | ^ Fire Rate | 15 (3.7/second) | ^ Power Use | 3000 (300MW) | ^ Lifetime | 40 | ^ Failure Chance | 10 | ====Game Description==== "This prototype is designed to test the antimatter blast chamber of the Project Lamplighter weapon." ==== Notes ==== The Lamplighter prototype is almost identical to the [[Lamplighter archcannon]], except it has less range and a ten percent chance of failure, making it very much like a "damaged" version of a weapon.