^ ^ {{:icons:missileicon.jpg}} | ^ Name | XM300 Reaper missile | ^ UNID | &itXM300Missile | ^ Level | IV | ^ Base value | 100 | ^ Mass | 50 Kg | ^ Frequency | rare | ^ Damage | blast:5d6 (5-30) radiation1; momentum4; WMD4; | ^ Fire rate | 30 (2/second) | ^ Power use | 10 (1MW) | ^ Lifetime | 120 | ^ Speed | 45 | ^ Maneuverability | unguided | ^ Hitpoints | 10 | ^ Launcher | [[nami_missile_launcher|NAMI Missile Launcher]] | ==== Game Description ==== "The XM300 warhead is jacketed with small amounts of plutonium. Though not enough for fission, the radioactive materials contaminate the target." ==== Community Description ==== On par with the [[km100_longbow_missile|KM100 Longbow missile]] for blast damage, this rare and expensive missile deals light radioactive damage to the target. If you can afford to, you may want to buy some for your [[nami_missile_launcher|NAMI Missile Launcher]], as they provide a tactical advantage against tougher ships. Against stations, which cannot be contaminated, they deal good WMD damage.