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See forum post by alterecco.

Syntax (extStringToDieRoll string) → number
Argument List string: A string that can be interpreted as a number range or dice roll.
Returns number: A random number resulting from that dice roll, or selected from that range.
Category general helper functions
Description A function that converts string representations of die rolls to actual die rolls.

It accepts strings like “2d6”, “8d4+5”, “2-10”, “1” “2d6” is two rolls of a six sided die “8d4+5” is eight rolls of a four sided die with five added to the final result “2-10” is a number between two and ten “1” is just one

IMPORTANT: Don't pass it junk strings, as there is no error checking :)


(setq diceroll (extStringToDieRoll "2d6"))
(if diceroll 2)
   (plyMessage gPlayer "Snake Eyes!")
   (plyMessage gPlayer (cat "You rolled " diceroll))

Displays the result of rolling a pair of dice to the player.

Function code

(setq extStringToDieRoll (lambda (string)

  (block (pos)
          ;; we actually got passed a number
          (isInt string)
          ;; normal die roll, ie: 4d12 or 4d12+2
          (setq pos (find string 'd))
              (block (die sides bpos bonus)
                  (setq die (subset string 0 pos))
                  (setq sides (subset string (add pos 1)))
                  (if (or (setq bpos (find string "+")) (setq bpos (find string "-"))) (block Nil
                      (setq sides (subset string (add pos 1) (subtract bpos (add pos 1))))
                      (setq bonus (subset string bpos))
                  (rollDice (int die) (int sides) (int bonus))
          ;; range, ie: 1-4
          (setq pos (find string '-))
              (random (int (subset string 0 pos)) (int (subset string (add pos 1))))
          ;; fixnum?
          (int string)


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