Discuss this page on this page's [[itmCreate Talk Page|Talk Page]] === itmCreate === See [[http://xelerus.de/index.php?s=functions&function=34|itmCreate at Xelerus]] ^ Syntax | (itmCreate itemUNID count) -> item | ^ Arguments | itemUNID: The UNID of the item you want to create. | ^ | count: The amount of items you want to create. | ^ Returns | item: An itemStruct of the items you created. | ^ Category | [[create functions|create]], [[item functions|item]], [[unid functions|UNID]] | ^ Description | Creates `count' amount of items with the given `itemUNID' and returns a itemStruct representing all the items created. | Very useful function allowing the creation of any item you feel like in code. === Example === (itmGetName (itmCreate 0x4001 1) 0) Returns the string segment of light titanium armor. Return to [[:Functions]] list