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See itmCreateByName at Xelerus

Syntax (itmCreateByName criteria name [count]) → item
Arguments criteria: the criteria that the item must meet.
name: the name or part of the name of the item to create.
[count]: the optional number of items you want to create. If not given, one item will be created.
Returns An itemStruct of an item that meets the criteria and has `name' as part of its name.
Category create, item, random
Description Makes a itemStruct of an item that meets the criteria and has `name' as part of its name with number of them. If more than one item meets the conditions it will pick one at random.


(itmGetName (itmCreateByName "s" "generator" 1))

Returns one of the following at random Cydonian shield generator, Cydonian heavy shield generator, Kaidun shield generator, Solon shield generator, Nephren P25 shield generator, superconducting shield generator, Yoroi S100 shield generator, Yoroi S500 shield generator, Nephren B700 shield generator, Trenton field generator, Yoroi MX shield generator, plasma shield generator, Nephren X1 shield generator, or Lazarus shield generator. Return to Functions list