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Syntax | (objDamage obj weaponType objSource [pos] [options]) → result |
Arguments | obj: The SpaceObject to damage |
weaponType: unid of weapon to use to damage the object | |
objSource: the source of the damage | |
[pos]: Position vector of the damage on the receiving object | |
[options]: ? | |
Returns | result: String code representing the result of the damage |
Category | spaceObject functions |
Description | Use to damage an object directly through a function. Used on Pteravores. |
(objDamage gPlayership &itLaserCannon; overlayObj)
Causes the overlayObj to damage the playership with the same damage as a laser cannon, at the center of the ship with a hit effect. In this case, you could use objGetOverlayPos to retrieve a value for the [pos] field.
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