[[objProgramDamage Talk Page|Discuss this page]] === objProgramDamage === ^ Syntax | (objProgramDamage obj hacker progName aiLevel code) -> True/Nil | ^ Arguments | obj: The ship that will receive a cyberattack | ^ | hacker: The object carrying out the cyberattack | ^ | progName: The name that shows up when the **obj** detects the attack. | ^ | aiLevel: The strength of the cyberattack. | ^ | code: A segment of code that will be evaluated if the cyberattack is successful | ^ Returns | True if the cyberattack succeeds. Nil otherwise | ^ Category | [[spaceObject functions]]| ^ Description | Makes an object carry out a cyberattack against a ship. Success depends on the difference between aiLevel and the target's **cyberDefenseLevel**. The **code** will not be evaluated if the cyberattack fails. | Success rate is 90% plus 10% for each level that the **aiLevel** is greater than the target's **cyberDefenseLevel**. If the cyberattack succeeds, the **hacker** is highlighted on the target's SRS for 200 ticks (6.66 seconds) and the target receives a message consisting of "cyberattack detected: " followed by **progName**. === Example === (block (target) (setq target (sysFindObject gPlayerShip "sA N")) (objProgramDamage target gPlayerShip 'SL4V3R 10 (block Nil (shpCancelOrders target) (shpSetEventHandler target &baStdAutonBase;) (shpSetController target 'auton) (objSetSovereign target &svFriendlyAuton;) (shpOrder target 'escort gPlayerShip) ) ) ) The player launches a cyberattack on the nearest ship. If successful, that ship will be turned into an auton. Return to [[modding:function:spaceObject_functions|Space Object functions]] list Return to [[modding:functions:]] list