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=== shpOrder ===
See [[http://xelerus.de/index.php?s=functions&function=208|shpOrder at Xelerus]]
^ Syntax | (shpOrder ship string [expression]) |
^ Arguments | ship: The ship that you want to order. |
^ | string: A string representing the order. |
^ | expression: The optional arguments if needed by the order. Multiple arguments possible|
^ Returns | condition: True if successful, Nil otherwise. |
^ Category | [[orders]], [[ship]] |
^ Description | Gives the ship the order. |
* **shpOrder**
* **ship**
* **order**
* **"guard"**: Ship docks with a target and fights enemies that attack or come near the target. Ship gives up attacking an enemy if it is no longer detectable to the target. Ship is considered a subordinate of **target**. Order ends if **target** is destroyed.
* SpaceObject: **target**
* **"sentry"**: Similar to **guard** but makes the ship hold at its current position and has a duration. Usually given to ships that rotate but do not thrust (such as turrets). Ship is considered a subordinate of **target**. Order ends if **target** is destroyed.
* SpaceObject: **target**
* Integer: Duration in seconds; indefinite by default.
* **"dock"**: Ship attempts to dock with a target. If no docking ports are available, ship will move back and forth over the target until a port is available.
* SpaceObject: **target**
* **"attack"**: Ship fires its weapons against a target for a specified duration or until the target is destroyed.
* SpaceObject: **target**
* [Integer]: Duration in seconds; indefinite by default
* **"wait"**: Ship does absolutely nothing for a specified duration.
* [Integer]: Duration in seconds; indefinite by default
* **"gate"**: Ship attempts to leave the system through an object (typically a stargate).
* SpaceObject (does not need to be a stargate): **target**
* **"gateOnThreat"**: Ship **wait**s until it is attacked and then attempts to leave the system. This order usually comes after a **dock** order. Ship is considered a subordinate of the object it is docked at.
* **"gateOnStationDestroyed"**: Ship **wait**s until a station is destroyed and then attempts to leave the system. This order usually comes after a **dock** order. Ship is considered a subordinate of the object it is docked at.
* **"patrol"**: Ship **orbit**s the target at a specified distance and fights enemies that attack or come near the target. Ship gives up fighting an enemy if it is no longer detectable by the target. Ship is considered a subordinate of **target**. Order ends if the **target** is destroyed.
* SpaceObject: **target**
* [Integer]: **distance** in light-seconds at which to orbit the target.
* **"escort"**: Ship **follow**s a target, fighting enemies that attack or come near the target. Ship gives up fighting an enemy if it is no longer detectable by the target.
* SpaceObject: **target**
* [Integer]: **angle** or **formation**
* [Integer]: **distance**
* **"scavenge"**: Ship **wanders** around system until there is a wreck with items in it, at which point the ship will **loot** the wreck. Does not retaliate if the wreck is destroyed.
* **"followPlayerThroughGate"**: Cannot be given by **shpOrder**; returned by the event **OnPlayerLeftSystem** as **"followPlayer"**. Ship follows the player through the nearest gate.
* SpaceObject: **target**
* **"attackNearestEnemy"**: Attack the nearest enemy at the time that this order is assigned.
* **"tradeRoute"**
* **"wander"**: Ship follows a diamond-like path around the system, fighting enemies that attack it
* **"loot"**: Ship takes all items from the target after a few seconds, ignoring cargo space. Ship does not retaliate to attacks while looting. Does not retaliate if target is destroyed.
* SpaceObject: **target**
* **"hold"**: Ship brakes and attempts to stay at its current position, attacking nearby enemies
* Integer: **duration** in seconds
* **"mine"**: Ship mines asteroids in the system. Ship is considered a subordinate of the **base**.
* SpaceObject: **base** object that the ship is working for.
* **"waitForPlayer"**: Cannot be given by **shpOrder**; returned by the event **OnPlayerLeftSystem**. Ship waits for the player to return to the system.
* **"attackPlayerOnReturn"**: Usually given during the **OnPlayerLeftSystem** event. Ship will attack player upon gating back into the system.
* **"follow"**: Ship follows a target, staying at a position relative to the target and matching the target's direction.
* SpaceObject: **target**
* Integer: Angle in degrees
* Integer: Distance in light-seconds
* **"navPath"**
* ?: **navID**
* **"goto"**:
* SpaceObject: **destination**
* Integer: **distance**
* **"waitForTarget"**: Ship waits until a target approaches a certain distance or until a certain amount of time passes.
* SpaceObject: **target** to wait for.
* Integer: **distance** from the target in light-seconds, defaults to detection range.
* Integer: **duration** in seconds until the wait ends; indefinite by default.
* **"waitForEnemy"**: Ship waits until it detects an enemy
* Integer: **duration** in seconds until the wait ends; indefinite by default.
* **"bombard"**: Orders a ship to **attack** a station
* SpaceObject (must be a station): **target**
* Integer: **duration** in seconds that the ship will spend bombarding
* **"approach"**: Ship approaches a target until a certain distance
* SpaceObject: **target**
* Integer: **distance** in light-seconds
* **"aim"**: Ship aims at a target without firing weapons
* SpaceObject: **target**
* **"orbit"**: Ship moves clockwise in a circular path around the target at a specified distance for a specified duration
* SpaceObject: **target**
* Integer: **distance** in light-seconds
* Integer: **duration** in seconds
* **"holdCourse"**: Ship travels in a specified direction for a specified distance.
* Integer: **angle** (absolute) in degrees
* Integer: **distance** in light-seconds
* **"turnTo"**: Ship turns until its rotation matches a given angle.
* Distance: **angle** (absolute) in degrees
* **"attackHold"**: Ship attacks a specified target for a specified duration while trying to stay at its current position.
* SpaceObject: **target**
* Integer: **duration** in seconds; indefinite by default.
* **"attackStation"**:
* SpaceObject: **target**
* [?]: **unknown**
* **"fireEvent"**: Fires the event on the target's event handler. **aShipObj** is the ship that fired it.
* SpaceObject: **target**
* String: **event** to fire
* **"waitForUndock"**: Ship waits until the **target** undocks or the **duration** passes.
* SpaceObject: **target**
* Integer: **duration** in seconds
* **"sendMessage"**: Ship sends a **message** to a **target**. If the **target** is the player ship, then the message displays on the screen. Otherwise, nothing useful happens.
* SpaceObject: **target**
* String: **message**
* **"attackArea"**: Ship attacks all enemies that are within a specified distance of a specified object for a specified time, probably in random orderverify
* SpaceObject: **target**
* Integer: **distance** in light-seconds
* [Integer]: **time** in seconds; indefinite by default.
* **"holdAndAttack"**: Same as **attackHold**
* SpaceObject: **target** to attack
* Integer: **duration** in seconds
* **"gotoPos"**: Ship moves to the specified position.
* Position: **destination**
* **"waitForThreat"**: Ship waits until it detects an enemy or the **duration** passes.
* Integer: **duration** in seconds
=== Example ===
(random (sysFindObject Nil "s A"))
(random (sysFindObject Nil "G A"))
Orders a random ship in the system to exit through a random gate as soon as all its orders are done.
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