Discuss this page on this pages [[typAddRecurringTimerEvent Talk Page|TalkPage]] //Added in API30// === typAddRecurringTimerEvent === ^ Syntax | (typAddRecurringTimerEvent unid interval event) | ^ Arguments | unid: The unid of the type you want to add the event on. | ^ | interval: interval in ticks between events. | ^ | event: the event on the type to fire | ^ Returns | | ^ Category | [[type]], [[unid]] | ^ Description | calls an event on the type to fire after every interval, in ticks | === Example === (typAddRecurringTimerEvent typeUNID 100 "Success") Calls the event called Success on the type every 100 ticks. Return to Functions list Return to [[modding:function:type_functions|type functions]] list Return to [[:Functions]] list