[[shipclass Talk Page|Discuss this page]]. =====Summary===== * * manufacturer= [string] * class= [string] * type= [string] * armorCriteria= [criteria_item] * deviceCriteria= [criteria_item] * level= [whole] * drivePowerUse= [whole] * inertialessDrive= [boolean] * reactorPower= [whole] * fuelCapacity= [whole] * cargoSpace= [whole] * maxCargoSpace= [whole] * maxArmor= [whole] * maxStructuralHitPoints= [whole] * maxDevices= [whole] * maxWeapons= [whole] * maxNonWeapons= [whole] * maxReactorPower= [whole] * cyberDefenseLevel= [whole] * size= [whole] * debugOnly= [boolean] * character= [type_any] * characterClass= [type_any] * dockscreen= [dockscreen_local_or_type] * defaultBackgroundID= [type_ * defaultSovereign= [type_sovereign] * score= [whole] * explosionType= [type_weapon] * leavesWreck= [whole_100] * radioactiveWreck= [boolean] * * noArticle= * "true" * definiteArticle= * "true" * personalName= * "true" * personalName * * armorID= * count= * level= * startAt= * * start= Degree (clockwise) where the segment starts. 0 means the front of the ship * span= Degrees (clockwise) covered by the segment. * armorID= UNID of armor to use * level= Used for scaling armor * nonCritical= ((CShipArmorSegmentDesc.cpp, 139)) * "dev0" * "dev1" * "dev2" * "dev3" * "dev4" * "dev5" * "dev6" * "dev7" * "maneuver" * "drive" * "scanners" * "tactical" * "cargo" * areaSet= * * . Each child element must have **chance** * count= * . Each child element must have **levelFrequency** * count= * * count= * * * count= * criteria= * maxCount= * posAngle= * posRadius= * posZ= * external= * omnidirectional= * minFireArc= * maxFireArc= * linkedFire= * secondaryWeapon= * hpBonus= * * count= * deviceID= * item= Same as **deviceID** * damaged= * enhanced= * enhancement= * level= For device scaling * minFireArc= * maxFireArc= * omnidirectional= * external= * linkedFire= * secondaryWeapon= * hpBonus= * posAngle= * posRadius= * posZ= * . See [[]] * * * equipment= * "SRS" * "LRS" * "SystemMap" * "Autopilot" * "SRSEnhancer" * "targetingComputer" * "GalacticMap" * "FriendlyFireLock" * * equipment= * * maxRotationRate= (Degrees/tick) * rotationAccel= (Degrees/tick/tick) * rotationStopAccel= (Degrees/tick/tick) * . See <[[ItemTable]]> * * imageID= * imageX= * imageY= * imageWidth= * imageHeight= * imageFrameCount= * rotationCount= Defaults to 20 * rotationColumns= * animationColumns= * imageTicksPerFrame= * flashTicks= * blend= * brighten= * viewportRatio= * viewportSize= Applies only if **viewportRatio** is not defined. * rotationOffset= * xOffset= * yOffset= * * * type= * "rotateLeft" * "rotateRight" * "thrustMain" * rotation= * posAngle= * posRadius= Requires **posAngle** * posZ= Requires **posAngle** * x= Applies only if **posAngle** is not defined * y= Applies only if **posAngle** is not defined * z= Applies only if **posAngle** is not defined * bringToFront= * sendToBack= * effect= * . See [[ * * * FuelLevelText * FuelLowLevelImage * HeroImage * Image * InitialData * Interior * NozzleImage * NozzlePos * PowerLevelImage * PowerLevelText * ReactorDisplay * ReactorText * ShieldDisplay * Trade * WreckImage =====Fields===== * armorCount= * armorHP * armorItems * balanceType= * "too weak" * "too strong" * "non-combatant" * "minion" * "standard" * "elite" * "boss" * cargoSpace * combatStrength * damage * defenseStrength * deviceSlots * deviceSlotsNonWeapons * deviceSlotsWeapons * deviceItems * dockServicesScreen * dodgeRate * driveImage * drivePowerUse * explosionType * fireAccuracy * fireRangeAdj * fireRateAdj * genericName * hp * hullMass * installDeviceMaxLevel * launcher * launcherUNID * level * maneuver * manufacturer * mass * maxArmorMass * maxCargoSpace * maxRotation * maxSpeed * maxStructuralHP * namme * playerDesc * primaryArmor * primaryArmorUNID * primaryWeapon * primaryWeaponRange * primaryWeaponRangeAdj * primaryWeaponUNID * regen * score * size * shield * shieldsUNID * shipConfigScreen * shipStatusScreen * startingSystem * thrust * thrustToWeight * thrusterPower * treasureValue * wreckChance //Inherits [[SpaceObject]] fields// =====Properties===== * defaultSovereign * drivePowerUse * hasTradeDesc * maxArmorMass * maxSpeed * maxSpeedAtMaxArmor * maxSpeedAtMinArmor * power * stdArmorMass * thrust * thrustToWeight * wreckStructuralHP //Inherits [[SpaceObject]] properties// =====Overview===== defines the properties and behavior of a type of [[ship]], including player ships. =====Basic Attributes===== **UNID=** The [[UNID]] of the ship class. **attributes=** **score=** **mass=** **cargoSpace=** =====Names===== {Naming the ship class; naming individual ships with the element} =====Image===== { element} =====Armor===== { element} =====Devices===== { element} =====Drive==== {thrust, maneuverability, maxSpeed attributes plus effect of devices. Plus } =====Items===== { element} =====Explosions & Wrecks===== {leavesWreck attrib, plus wreck type and explosion attributes} =====AI Settings===== { element} =====Events===== ====== [NOTE: This event was implemented in 1.08.] This event is raised when a player attempts to dock with an object (using the 'D' key). The event may return **True** to indicate that docking should proceed. Or, to prevent docking, it may return a text string explaining the reason for failure. **gSource** is the player ship object that is attempting to dock. **aDockTarget** is the object that the ship is attempting to dock with. ====== **[API Version 18]** This event is called when an armor segment is installed on the ship. The event may return **True** to allow installation or it may return a string explaining why the item cannot be installed. The following arguments are defined: **gSource**: The ship object. **gItem**: The item being installed. **aArmorSeg**: The armor segment being installed. Note that this value is guaranteed to be set if an item is actually being installed, but it may be **Nil** if the caller is merely interested in the possibility of installation (and not concerned about location). ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== =====Player Ships===== See: [[Player ships]] See: [[PlayerSettings]]