=====Summary===== * or . Runs multiple generators. All child generators may have **chance** (100 by default) and **count** (1 by default). Each generator is tested for **chance** and if successful will run a number of times based on **count**. * UNID= * . Generates instances of a single ship type. * count= * class= * itemTable= Only applies if is not present. * maxShips= * sovereign= * orders= * patrolDist= Distance in light-seconds. Only applies if **orders** is "patrol" * controller= * eventHandler= * name= Only applies if is not present. * . * * * * * . Same as * . Runs only one of the child generators, chosen based on each generator's **chance**. * . Runs only one of the child generators. Each child must have **levelFrequency**. * * count= * table= * .