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See plyRedirectMessage at Xelerus

Syntax (plyRedirectMessage player condition)
Arguments player: The player.
condition: If Nil makes any future plyMessages display during flight, otherwise sets the redirect message to “” and makes any future plyMessages cat onto the redirect message.
Returns condition: True
Category message, player
Description Controls the activity of plyMessage and if the condition is true clears the stored redirect messages.


(block Nil
	(plyRedirectMessage gplayer True)
	(plyMessage gplayer "This string will be stored for later use")
	(plyMessage gplayer "cat example.")
	(plyGetRedirectMessage gplayer)

Returns the string “This string will be stored for later usecat example.”. Return to Functions list

modding/function/plyredirectmessage.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/27 04:40 by