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This index is complete as of API 34.


(!= …)

(* x1 x2 … xn) → z

(+ x1 x2 … xn) → z

(- x y) → z

(- x) → -x

(/ x y) → z

(< …)

(⇐ …)

(= …)

(> …)

(>= …)

(@ list index)


(abs x) -> z

(add x1 x2 ... xn) -> z

(and exp1 exp2 ... expn) -> True/Nil

(append a b [...]) -> lists are concatenated

(apply exp arg1 arg2 ... argn list) -> Result

(armGetRepairCost type) -> Cost to repair 1 hit point

(armGetRepairTech type) -> Tech level required to repair

(atmAddEntry ...)

(atmAtomTable ...)

(atmDeleteEntry ...)

(atmList ...)

(atmLookup ...)


(block ...)


(cat s1 s2 ... sn) -> string

(ceil x) -> y

(cnvDrawImage x y imageDesc [screen] [ID])

(cnvDrawLine xFrom yFrom xTo yTo width color [screen] [ID])

(cnvDrawRect x y width height color [screen] [ID])

(cnvDrawText x y [width] text font color alignment [screen] [ID])

(convertTo type value) -> result

(count list) -> number of items


(dbgLog [string]*)

(dbgOutput [string]*)

(divide x y) -> z

(double ...)


(ecoExchange amount fromCurrency toCurrency) -> amount

(enum list itemVar exp)

(enumwhile list condition itemVar exp)

(eq ...)

(errblock ...)

(error msg) -> error

(eval ...)


(filter list var boolean-exp) -> filtered list

(find source target ['ascending|'descending] [keyIndex]) -> position of target in source (0-based)

(floor x) -> y

(fmtCurrency currency [amount]) -> string

(fmtNoun name nameFlags count formatFlags) -> string

(fmtNumber value) -> string

(fmtPower powerInKWs) -> string

(fncHelp ...)

(for var from to exp)


(gamEnd endGameReason epitaph [scoreBonus]) -> True/Nil

(gamSave [options]) -> True/Nil

(gamSetCrawlImage imageUNID) -> True/Nil

(gamSetCrawlSoundtrack soundtrackUNID) -> True/Nil

(gamSetCrawlText text) -> True/Nil

(geq a b) -> True if a >= b

(getAPIVersion) -> version

(gr a b) -> True if a > b


(help) -> all functions

(help partial-name) -> all functions starting with name

(help function-name) -> help on function


(if ...)

(int ...)

(isatom ...)

(iserror ...)

(isfunction ...)

(isint ...)

(isprimitive ...)

(itmCreate itemUNID count) -> item

(itmCreateByName criteria name [count]) -> item

(itmCreateRandom criteria levelDistribution) -> item

(itmEnumTypes criteria item-var exp)

(itmFireEvent item|type event [data]) -> result of event

(itmGetActualPrice item|type) -> actual price of a single item

(itmGetArmorInstalledLocation item) -> segment #

(itmGetArmorType item) -> type

(itmGetAverageAppearing item|type) -> average number that appear randomly

(itmGetCategory item|type) -> item category

(itmGetCount item)

(itmGetDamageType item|type) -> damage type

(itmGetData item attrib) -> data

(itmGetFrequency item|type [level]) -> frequency

(itmGetImageDesc item|type) -> imageDesc

(itmGetInstallCost item|type [currency]) -> cost

(itmGetInstallPos item) -> installPos

(itmGetLevel item|type) -> level

(itmGetMass item|type) -> mass of single item in Kg

(itmGetMaxAppearing item|type) -> max number that appear randomly

(itmGetName item|type flags)

(itmGetPrice item|type [currency]) -> price of a single item

(itmGetProperty item|type property) -> value

(itmGetStaticData item attrib) -> data

(itmGetType item) -> itemUNID

(itmGetTypeData item|type attrib) -> data

(itmGetTypes criteria) -> list of itemUNIDs

(itmGetUseScreen item|type)

(itmHasAttribute item|type attrib) -> True/Nil

(itmHasReference item|type)

(itmIsEnhanced item) -> Nil or mods

(itmIsEqual item1 item2 [options]) -> True/Nil

(itmIsInstalled item)

(itmIsKnown item|type)

(itmMatches item|type criteria)

(itmSetCount item count) -> item

(itmSetData item attrib data [count]) -> item

(itmSetEnhanced item mods) -> item

(itmSetKnown type|item [True/Nil])

itmsetproperty(itmSetProperty item property value) -> item

(itmSetReference item)

(itmSetTypeData item attrib data) -> True/Nil


(join list [separator]) -> string



(lambda ...)

(leq a b) -> True if a <= b

(link ...)

(list i1 i2 ... in) -> list

(lnkAppend list item) -> list

(lnkRemove list index) -> list

(lnkRemoveNil list) -> list

(lnkReplace list index item) -> list

(lookup source target ['ascending|'descending] [keyIndex]) -> found entry

(loop condition exp)

(ls a b) -> True if a < b


(make 'sequence count) -> list from 1 to count

(map list ['excludeNil|'original|'reduceMax|'reduceMin] var exp) -> list

(match list var boolean-exp) -> first item that matches

(max x1 x2 ... xn) -> z

(min x1 x2 ... xn) -> z

(mod ['degrees] x y) -> z

(modulo ['degrees] x y) -> z

(msnAccept missionObj)

(msnAddRecurringTimerEvent missionObj interval event)

(msnAddTimerEvent missionObj delay event)

(msnCancelTimerEvent missionObj event) -> True/Nil

(msnCreate unid owner [data]) -> missionObj|Nil

(msnDecline missionObj)

(msnDestroy missionObj) -> True/Nil

(msnFailure missionObj [data])

(msnFind [source] criteria) -> list of missionObjs

(msnFireEvent missionObj event [data]) -> result of event

(msnGetData missionObj attrib) -> data

(msnGetObjRefData missionObj attrib) -> obj

(msnGetProperty missionObj property) -> value

(msnGetStaticData missionObj attrib) -> data

(msnIncData missionObj attrib [increment]) -> new value

(msnRegisterForEvents missionObj obj)

(msnReward missionObj [data])

(msnSetData missionObj attrib data)

(msnSetObjRefData missionObj attrib obj)

(msnSetPlayerTarget missionObj)

(msnSetProperty obj property value) -> True/Nil

(msnSetUnavailable missionObj)

(msnSuccess missionObj [data])

(msnTranslate missionObj textID [data] [default]) -> text (or Nil)

(multiply x1 x2 ... xn) -> z


(neq ...)

(not exp) -> True/Nil


(objAccelerate obj angle thrust [ticks]) -> velVector

(objAddBuyOrder obj criteria priceAdj) -> True/Nil

(objAddItem obj item|type [count])

(objAddItemEnhancement obj item enhancementType [lifetime]) -> enhancementID

(objAddOverlay obj overlayType [lifetime]) -> overlayID

(objAddRandomItems obj table count)

(objAddSellOrder obj criteria priceAdj) -> True/Nil

(objAddSubordinate obj subordinate) -> True/Nil

(objCalcBestTarget obj [objList]) -> targetObj (or Nil)

(objCanAttack obj) -> True/Nil

(objCanDetectTarget obj target) -> True/Nil

(objCanInstallItem obj item [armorSeg|deviceSlot]) -> (True/Nil resultCode resultString [itemToReplace])

(objChangeEquipmentStatus obj equipment command [duration] [options]) -> True/Nil

(objCharge obj [currency] amount) -> remaining balance

(objClearIdentified obj)

(objClearShowAsDestination obj)

(objCommunicate obj senderObj msg [obj] [data]) -> result

(objCredit obj [currency] amount) -> new balance

(objDamage obj weaponType objSource [pos] [options]) -> result

(objDepleteShields obj)

(objDestroy obj [objSource]) -> True/Nil

(objEnumItems obj criteria itemVar exp)

(objFireEvent obj event [data]) -> result of event

(objFireItemEvent obj item event [data]) -> result of event

(objFireItemInvoke obj item) -> True/Nil

(objFireOverlayEvent obj overlayID event [data]) -> result of event

(objFixParalysis obj)

(objGateTo obj node entrypoint [effectID])

(objGetArmorCriticality obj item|armorSegment) -> criticalityType

(objGetArmorDamage obj item|armorSegment) -> damage to armor segment

(objGetArmorLevel obj item|armorSegment) -> 0-100

(objGetArmorName obj item|armorSegment) -> name of armor (e.g., 'forward', etc.)

(objGetArmorRepairPrice obj [shipObj] armorItem hpToRepair) -> price (at which obj repairs)

(objGetArmorReplacePrice obj armorItem) -> price

(objGetArmorType obj item|armorSegment) -> type

(objGetBalance obj [currency]) -> balance

(objGetBuyPrice obj item [options]) -> price (at which obj buys item)

(objGetCargoSpaceLeft obj) -> space left in Kg

(objGetCombatPower obj) -> 0-100

(objGetDamageType obj) -> damage type

(objGetData obj attrib) -> data

(objGetDataField obj field) -> data

(objGetDestiny obj) -> 0-359

(objGetDisposition obj targetObj) -> disposition of obj towards targetObj

(objGetDistance obj destObj) -> distance in light-seconds

(objGetEquipmentStatus obj equipment) -> status

(objGetEventHandler obj) -> unid or Nil

(objGetID obj) -> objID

(objGetImageDesc obj) -> imageDesc

(objGetInstalledItemDesc obj item) -> 'installed as forward armor'

(objGetItemProperty obj item property) -> value

(objGetItems obj criteria) -> list of items

(objGetLevel obj) -> level

(objGetMass obj) -> mass in tons

(objGetMaxPower obj) -> power (in 1/10 MWs)

(objGetName obj [flags]) -> Name of the object

(objGetNamedItems obj name) -> list of items

(objGetNearestStargate obj) -> obj

(objGetObjByID objID) -> obj

(objGetObjRefData obj attrib) -> obj

(objGetOpenDockingPortCount obj) -> count of open docking ports

(objGetOrderGiver obj [destroyReason]) -> obj

(objGetOverlayData obj overlayID attrib) -> data

(objGetOverlayPos obj overlayID) -> vector

(objGetOverlayProperty obj overlayID property) -> value

(objGetOverlayRotation obj overlayID) -> rotation

(objGetOverlays obj [criteria]) -> list of overlayIDs

(objGetOverlayType obj overlayID) -> type

(objGetPlayerPriceAdj obj [data]) -> priceAdj (or Nil if no adj)

(objGetPos obj) -> vector

(objGetProperty obj property) -> value

(objGetRefuelItemAndPrice obj objToRefuel) -> (item price)

(objGetSellPrice obj item ['noInventoryCheck]) -> price (at which obj sells item)

(objGetShieldLevel obj) -> 0-100 (or -1 for no shields)

(objGetShipBuyPrice obj shipObj) -> price (at which obj buys ship)

(objGetShipSellPrice obj shipObj) -> price (at which obj sells ship)

(objGetShipwreckType obj) -> unid

(objGetSovereign obj) -> sovereignID

(objGetStargateID obj) -> gateID

(objGetStaticData obj attrib) -> data

(objGetTarget obj) -> obj

(objGetType obj) -> unid

(objGetTypeData obj attrib) -> data

(objGetVel obj) -> velVector

(objGetVisibleDamage obj) -> damage

(objHasAttribute obj attrib) -> True/Nil

(objHasItem obj item [count]) -> number of items (or Nil)

(objIncData obj attrib [increment]) -> new value

(objIncOverlayData obj overlayID attrib [increment]) -> new value

(objIncVel obj velVector) -> velVector

(objIsAngryAt obj targetObj) -> True/Nil

(objIsDeviceSlotAvailable ship) -> True/Nil

(objIsDockedAt obj stationObj) -> True/Nil

(objIsEnemy obj target) -> True/Nil

(objIsIdentified obj) -> True/Nil

(objIsKnown obj)

(objIsParalyzed obj)

(objIsRadioactive obj)

(objIsShip obj) -> True/Nil

(objJumpTo obj pos)

(objLowerShields obj)

(objMakeParalyzed obj ticks)

(objMatches obj source filter) -> True/Nil

(objProgramDamage obj hacker progName aiLevel code)

(objRecordBuyItem buyerObj sellerObj item [currency] price) -> True/Nil

(objRegisterForEvents target obj)

(objRegisterForSystemEvents target range)

(objRemoveItem obj item [count])

(objRemoveItemEnhancement obj item enhancementID)

(objRemoveOverlay obj overlayID)

(objRepairArmor ship item|armorSegment [hpToRepair]) -> hp repaired

(objResume obj [gateObj])

(objSendMessage obj sender text) -> True/Nil

(objSetData obj attrib data)

(objSetDeviceActivationDelay obj deviceItem [delay]) -> True/Nil

(objSetEventHandler obj unid) -> True/Nil

(objSetIdentified obj)

(objSetItemData obj item attrib data [count]) -> item

(objSetItemProperty obj item property value [count]) -> item

(objSetKnown obj)

(objSetName obj name [flags])

(objSetObjRefData obj attrib obj)

(objSetOverlayData obj overlayID attrib data)

(objSetOverlayEffectProperty obj overlayID property value)

(objSetOverlayPos obj overlayID pos)

(objSetOverlayProperty obj overlayID property value)

(objSetOverlayRotation obj overlayID rotation)

(objSetPos obj vector [rotation])

(objSetProperty obj property value) -> True/Nil

(objSetShowAsDestination obj [options]) -> True/Nil

(objSetSovereign obj sovereignID) -> True/Nil

(objSetTradeDesc obj currency [maxCurrency replenishCurrency]) -> True/Nil

(objSetTypeData obj attrib data)

(objSetVel obj velVector)

(objSuspend obj)

(objTranslate obj textID [data] [default]) -> text (or Nil)

(objUnregisterForEvents target obj)

(objUnregisterForSystemEvents target)

(or exp1 exp2 ... expn) -> True/Nil


(plyChangeShip player newShip [options]) -> True/Nil

(plyCharge player [currency] charge) -> credits left

(plyComposeString player string [arg1 arg2 ... argn]) -> string

(plyCredit player [currency] credit) -> credits left

(plyDestroyed player epitaph)

(plyEnableMessage player messageID True/Nil) -> True/Nil

(plyGetCredits player [currency]) -> credits left

(plyGetGenome player) -> 'humanMale | 'humanFemale

(plyGetItemStat player stat criteria|type) -> value

(plyGetKeyEventStat player stat nodeID typeCriteria) -> value

(plyGetRedirectMessage ...)

(plyGetStat player stat) -> value

(plyIsMessageEnabled player messageID) -> True/Nil

(plyMessage ...)

(plyRecordBuyItem player item [currency] totalPrice)

(plyRecordSellItem player item [currency] totalPrice)

(plyRedirectMessage ...)

(plyUseItem player item)

(pow x y) -> z

(power x y) -> z

(print [string]*)

(printTo output [string]*)


(quote exp) -> unevaluated exp


(random from to)

(randomGaussian low mid high) -> random number between low and high

(randomTable chance1 exp1 chance2 exp2 ... chancen expn) -> exp

(regex source pattern ['offset|'subex]) -> result

(resColorBlend rgbDest rgbSource srcOpacity) -> rgbColor

(resCreateImageDesc imageUNID x y width height) -> imageDesc

(rollDice count sides bonus)

(round ['stochastic] x) -> y


(scrAddAction screen actionID pos label [key] [special] code)

(scrAddMinorAction screen actionID pos label [key] [special] code)

(scrAddListFilter screen filterID label filter)

(scrEnableAction screen actionID enabled)

(scrExitScreen screen ['forceUndock])

(scrGetCounter ...)

(scrGetData screen attrib) -> data

(scrGetDesc screen)

(scrGetInputText ...)

(scrGetItem ...)

(scrGetListCursor screen) -> cursor

(scrGetListEntry ...)

(scrGetScreen gScreen) -> screenDesc

(scrIncData screen attrib [increment])

(scrIsActionEnabled screen actionID) -> True/Nil

(scrIsFirstOnInit ...)

(scrRefreshScreen screen)

(scrRemoveAction screen actionID)

(scrRemoveItem ...)

(scrSetActionDesc screen actionID descID)

(scrSetActionLabel screen actionID label [key] [special])

(scrSetBackgroundImage screen imageDesc)

(scrSetControlValue screen controlID value) -> True/Nil

(scrSetControlValueTranslate screen controlID textID [data]) -> True/Nil

(scrSetCounter ...)

(scrSetData screen attrib data)

(scrSetDesc screen text [text...])

(scrSetDescTranslate screen textID [data]) -> True/Nil

(scrSetDisplayText screen ID text [text...])

(scrSetInputText ...)

(scrSetListCursor screen cursor)

(scrSetListFilter ...)

(scrShowAction screen actionID shown)

(scrShowPane ...)

(scrShowScreen screenGlobal screen [pane] [data])

(scrTranslate screen textID [data]) -> text or Nil

(seededRandom seed from to)

(set ...)

(set@ list-var index value) -> list

(setq ...)

(shpCancelOrders ship)

(shpCanRemoveDevice ship item) -> result

(shpConsumeFuel ship fuel)

(shpDamageArmor ship armorSegment damageType damage ['noSRSFlash]) -> damage done

(shpDecontaminate ship)

(shpEnhanceItem ship item [mods]) -> True/Nil

(shpGetAISetting ship setting)

(shpGetArmor ship armorSegment) -> item struct

(shpGetArmorCount ship) -> number of armor segments

(shpGetArmorMaxHitPoints obj item|armorSegment) -> damage to armor segment

(shpGetClassName class flags) -> class name

(shpGetDirection ship) -> angle

(shpGetDockObj ship) -> dockObj

(shpGetFuelLeft ship) -> fuel left

(shpGetFuelNeeded ship item) -> items needed

(shpGetImageDesc class [rotationAngle]) -> imageDesc

(shpGetItemDeviceName ship item) -> device name of item (or -1)

(shpGetMaxSpeed ship) -> max speed in of lightspeed

(shpGetOrder obj) -> order

(shpGetOrderDesc obj) -> orderDesc

(shpGetOrderTarget obj) -> obj

(shpGetShieldDamage ship) -> damage to shields

(shpGetShieldItemUNID ship) -> UNID (or Nil)

(shpGetShieldMaxHitPoints ship) -> max hp of shields

(shpInstallArmor ship item armorSegment)

(shpInstallDevice ship item [deviceSlot])

(shpIsBlind ship)

(shpIsFuelCompatible ship item) -> True/Nil

(shpIsRadiationImmune ship [item])

(shpMakeRadioactive ship)

(shpOrder ship order [target] [count]) -> True/Nil

(shpOrderImmediate ship order [target] [count]) -> True/Nil

(shpRechargeShield ship hpToRecharge)

(shpRefuelFromItem ship item) -> True/Nil

(shpRemoveDevice ship item) -> item

(shpRepairItem ship item)

(shpSetAISetting ship setting value)

(shpSetCommandCode ship code) -> True/Nil

(shpSetController ship controller) -> True/Nil

(shuffle list) -> shuffled list

(sort list ['ascending|'descending] [keyIndex]) -> sorted list

(sovGetDisposition sovereignID targetSovereignID) -> disposition of sovereign to target

(sovMessage sovereignID text) -> True/Nil

(sovMessageFromObj sovereignID obj text) -> True/Nil

(sovSetDisposition sovereignID targetSovereignID disposition)

(split string [characters]) -> list

(sqrt x) -> z

(sqrtn x) -> z

(staClearFireReconEvent station)

(staClearReconned station)

(staGetDockedShips station) -> list of docked ships

(staGetImageVariant station) -> variant

(staGetSubordinates station) -> list of subordinates (e.g., guardians)

(staIsEncountered type) -> True/Nil

(staIsReconned station) -> True/Nil

(staSetActive station [True/Nil])

(staSetFireReconEvent station)

(staSetImageVariant station variant)

(staSetShowMapLabel station True/Nil)

(strCapitalize string) -> string

(strFind string target) -> pos of target in string (0-based)

(struct key1 value1 key2 value2 ...) -> struct

(struct (key1 value1) (key2 value2) ..) -> struct

(struct { key1:value1 key2:value2 ... } ...) -> struct

(subset list pos [count]) -> list

(subst string arg1 arg2 ... argn) -> string

(subtract x y) -> z

(switch ...)

(sysAddEncounterEvent delay target encounterID gate)

(sysAddEncounterEventAtDist delay target encounterID distance)

(sysAddObjRecurringTimerEvent interval obj event)

(sysAddObjTimerEvent delay obj event)

(sysAddStargateTopology [nodeID] gateID destNodeID destGateID) -> True/Nil

(sysAddTypeRangeEvent type event options)

(sysAddTypeRecurringTimerEvent interval type event)

(sysAddTypeTimerEvent delay type event)

(sysAscendObject obj) -> True/Nil

(sysCalcFireSolution targetPos targetVel speed) -> angle to shoot (Nil, if no solution)

(sysCalcStdCombatStrength level) -> standard combat strength for level

(sysCalcTravelDistance speed time) -> distance in light-seconds

(sysCalcTravelTime distance speed) -> time in ticks

(sysCancelTimerEvent obj event) -> True/Nil

(sysCancelTypeTimerEvent type event) -> True/Nil

(sysCreateEffect effectID anchorObj pos [rotation]) -> True/Nil

(sysCreateEncounter unid) -> True/Nil

(sysCreateFlotsam item|unid pos sovereignID) -> obj

(sysCreateHitEffect weaponUNID hitObj hitPos hitDir damageHP) -> True/Nil

(sysCreateLookup tableName orbit) -> True/Nil

(sysCreateMarker name pos sovereignID) -> marker

(sysCreateShip unid pos sovereignID [options|eventHandler|controller]) -> ship or list

(sysCreateShipwreck unid pos sovereignID) -> shipwreck

(sysCreateStargate unid pos gateID [destNodeID destGateID]) -> obj

(sysCreateStation unid pos [eventHandler]) -> obj

(sysCreateTerritory orbit minRadius maxRadius attributes [criteria]) -> True/Nil

(sysCreateWeaponFire weaponID objSource pos dir speed objTarget [options] [bonus]) -> obj

(sysDescendObject objID pos) -> obj

(sysFindObject source filter) -> list of objects

(sysFindObjectAtPos source criteria pos [destPos]) -> list of objects

(sysGetData [nodeID] attrib) -> data

(sysGetEnvironment pos) -> environmentUNID

(sysGetLevel [nodeID]) -> level

(sysGetLightIntensity pos) -> intensity (0-100)

(sysGetName [nodeID]) -> name

(sysGetNavPathPoint sovereignID objFrom objTo ath) -> vector

(sysGetNode) -> nodeID

(sysGetNodes) -> list of nodeIDs

(sysGetObjectByName [source] name) -> obj

(sysGetProperty [nodeID] property) -> value

(sysGetRandomLocation criteria [options]) -> location or Nil

(sysGetStargateDestination [nodeID] gateID) -> (nodeID gateID)

(sysGetStargateDestinationNode [nodeID] gateID) -> nodeID

(sysGetStargates [nodeID]) -> list of gateIDs

(sysGetSystemType [nodeID]) -> systemUNID

(sysGetTopologyDistance fromID toID) -> distance (or Nil)

(sysGlobals ...)

(sysHasAttribute [nodeID] attrib) -> True/Nil

(sysHitScan [source] startPos endPos) -> (obj hitPos) or Nil

(sysIncData [nodeID] attrib increment) -> new value

(sysIsKnown [nodeID]) -> True/Nil

(sysMatches [nodeID] criteria) -> True/Nil

(sysOrbit center radius angle [eccentricity rotation]) -> orbit

(sysOrbitPos orbit [options]) -> vector

(sysPlaySound unid [sourceObj]) -> True/Nil

(sysPoolUsage ...)

(sysSetData [nodeID] attrib data) -> data

(sysSetEnvironment unid shape options) -> True/Nil

(sysSetKNown [nodeID] [True/Nil]) -> True/Nil

(sysSetPOV obj|vector) -> True/Nil

(sysSetProperty [nodeID] property value) -> True/Nil

(sysStartTime) -> True/Nil

(sysStopTime duration except) -> True/Nil

(sysStopTime targetList duration) -> True/Nil

(sysTicks ...)

(sysVectorAdd vector vector) -> vector

(sysVectorAngle vector) -> angle of vector

(sysVectorAngle pos1 pos2) -> angle of pos1 relative to pos2

(sysVectorDistance vector [vector]) -> distance in light-seconds

(sysVectorDivide vector scalar) -> vector

(sysVectorMultiply vector scalar) -> vector

(sysVectorPixelOffset center x y) -> vector

(sysVectorPolarOffset center angle radius) -> vector

(sysVectorPolarVelocity angle speed) -> velVector

(sysVectorRandom center radius minSeparation [filter]) -> vector

(sysVectorSpeed velVector) -> of light speed

(sysVectorSubtract vector vector) -> vector


(typAddRecurringTimerEvent unid interval event)

(typAddTimerEvent unid delay event)

(typCancelTimerEvent unid event) -> True/Nil

(typCreate unid XML) -> True/Nil

(typDynamicUNID uniqueName) -> UNID

(typeof item) -> type

(typFind criteria) -> list of UNIDs

(typFireEvent unid event [data]) -> result of event

(typFireObjEvent unid obj event) -> result of event

(typGetData unid attrib) -> data

(typGetDataField unid field) -> data

(typGetProperty unid property) -> value

(typGetStaticData unid attrib) -> data

(typGetXML unid) -> xmlElement

(typHasAttribute unid attrib) -> True/Nil

(typHasEvent unid event) -> True/Nil

(typIncData unid attrib [increment]) -> new value

(typMarkImages unid) -> True/Nil

(typMatches unid criteria) -> True/Nil

(typSetData unid attrib data) -> True/Nil

(typTranslate unid textID [data] [default]) -> text (or Nil)


(uiCanPlayMusic filename) -> True/Nil

(uiGetMusicCatalog) -> list of files

(uiGetMusicState) -> ('playing filename position length)

(uiPlayMusic filename [pos]) -> True/Nil

(uiSetSoundtrackMode mode [soundtrackUNID])


(unvFindObject [nodeID] criteria) -> list of entries

(unvGetCurrentExtensionUNID) -> UNID

(unvGetElapsedGameTime [startTick] endTick format) -> result

(unvGetExtensionData scope attrib) -> data

(unvGetRealDate) -> (year month day) GMT

(unvGetTick) -> time

(unvSetExtensionData scope attrib data) -> True/Nil

(unvSetObjectKnown [nodeID] criteria [True/Nil]) -> True/Nil

(unvUNID string) -> (unid 'itemtype name) or (unid 'shipclass name)


(v* scalar vec1) -> result of scalar multiplication of scalar and vec1

(v+ vec1 vec2) -> result of vector addition of vec1 and vec2

(v-> vec1 indexlist) -> get the elements of vec1 based on indexlist

(v<- vec1 indexlist datalist) -> set the elements of vec1 with datalist based on the indices in indexlist

(v= vec1 vec2) -> compare vec1 and vec2 for equality

(v^ vec1 vec2) -> result of element-wise multiplication of vec1 and vec2

(vdot vec1 vec2) -> result of vector dot product of vec1 and vec2

(vecCreate) -> empty vector

(vecSetElement ...)

(vector contentlist) -> vector form of contentlist

(vfilled scalar shapelist) -> vector filled with scalar's value



(xmlAppendSubElement xml xmlToAdd [index]) -> True/Nil

(xmlAppendText xml text [index]) -> True/Nil

(xmlCreate xml) -> xml

(xmlDeleteSubElement xml index) -> True/Nil

(xmlGetAttrib xml attrib) -> value

(xmlGetAttribList xml) -> list of attribs

(xmlGetSubElement xml tag|index) -> xml

(xmlGetSubElementCount xml) -> number of sub-elements

(xmlGetSubElementList xml [tag]) -> list of xml

(xmlGetTag xml) -> tag

(xmlGetText xml [index]) -> text

(xmlSetAttrib xml attrib value) -> value

(xmlSetText xml text [index]) -> True/Nil