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anacreon:lexicon [2018/05/17 16:41] – [SCI WU cost] wtvd0anacreon:lexicon [2018/06/14 17:13] (current) – [SCI WU cost] wtvd0
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 ===== Unit Traits =====  ===== Unit Traits ===== 
 ==== area of effect ==== ==== area of effect ====
-Units with an area of effect attack can hit more than one enemy unit in a [[anacreon:game:combat#wings|wing]] per shot. "Attack AoE" is the radius (in [[anacreon:lexicon:Mm]]) within which additional units will get struck. Effective [[anacreon:lexicon#attack_damage|attack damage]] is reduced for units further from the targeted unit. It is unclear whether AoE works right now+Units with an area of effect attack can hit more than one enemy unit in a [[anacreon:game:combat#wings|wing]] per shot. "Attack AoE" is the radius (in [[anacreon:lexicon:Mm]]) within which additional units will get struck. Effective [[anacreon:lexicon#attack_damage|attack damage]] is reduced for units further from the targeted unit. 
 +"From the point where the missile hit, out to 1/5 the area of effect radius, any ships in the area take full damage. After that, damage decreases at inverse-square rate. I.e., at 2/5th radius, ships take quarter damage; at 3/5th radius they take 1/9th damage, etc." 
 ==== armor ==== ==== armor ====
 The general resistance of a unit to being destroyed in [[anacreon:game:combat]]. Armor is compared to [[anacreon:lexicon#attack_damage|attack damage]] during each combat round that a unit attacks another. Units are never "damaged" - they either survive an attack or are completely destroyed. The general resistance of a unit to being destroyed in [[anacreon:game:combat]]. Armor is compared to [[anacreon:lexicon#attack_damage|attack damage]] during each combat round that a unit attacks another. Units are never "damaged" - they either survive an attack or are completely destroyed.
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 ==== secession adjustment==== ==== secession adjustment====
 Only imperial guard units have this trait. It modifies the chance that a sector capital will [[anacreon:game:secession|secede]]. Secession adjustment from imperial guards stacks with the global 0.1 (90% reduction) modifier to secession rate imposed by the Law & Order [[anacreon:game:doctrine]]. adjustedRisk = adjustmentValue^(numberOfGuardsOnPlanet/1000) Only imperial guard units have this trait. It modifies the chance that a sector capital will [[anacreon:game:secession|secede]]. Secession adjustment from imperial guards stacks with the global 0.1 (90% reduction) modifier to secession rate imposed by the Law & Order [[anacreon:game:doctrine]]. adjustedRisk = adjustmentValue^(numberOfGuardsOnPlanet/1000)
 +==== speed ====
 +Unit speed represents many [[anacreon:lexicon#LY|light-years]] a fleet of this unit can move in a [[anacreon:game:time#watch]]. [[anacreon:game:movement#mixed_fleet_movement|Mixed fleets]] move at the speed of the slowest unit.
 ==== TL ==== ==== TL ====
 Abbreviation for "[[anacreon:game:tech_level|tech level]]" Abbreviation for "[[anacreon:game:tech_level|tech level]]"
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 Work unit cost; the number of work units consumed directly by a structure to produce a unit or resource. Work unit cost; the number of work units consumed directly by a structure to produce a unit or resource.
 ==== SCI WU cost ==== ==== SCI WU cost ====
-Supply-chain inclusive [[anacreon:lexicon#WU|work unit]] cost. This is a measure of the total [[anacreon:game:labor]] cost to your economy to build a unit or resource. It includes the [[anacreon:lexicon#WU_cost|WU cost]] of the unit, the WU cost to create the resources that go into the unit, and the WU cost of the resources needed to create //those// resources. It does not include the WU cost of [[anacreon:game:resouces#consumer_goods|consumer goods]] consumed by [[anacreon:game:planets#planetary_population|planetary population]], since this is a factor of planetary tech level rather than individual resource type. SCI WU cost is never shown in-game; it must be calculated by players.+Supply-chain inclusive [[anacreon:lexicon#WU|work unit]] cost. This is a measure of the total [[anacreon:game#labor]] cost to your economy to build a unit or resource. It includes the [[anacreon:lexicon#WU_cost|WU cost]] of the unit, the WU cost to create the resources that go into the unit, and the WU cost of the resources needed to create //those// resources. It does not include the WU cost of [[anacreon:game:resources#consumer_goods|consumer goods]] consumed by [[anacreon:game:planets#planetary_population|planetary population]], since this is a factor of [[anacreon:game:tech_level|planetary tech level]] rather than of individual resource type. SCI WU cost is never shown in-game; it must be calculated by players.
 ===== Units ===== ===== Units =====
 ==== ground forces ==== ==== ground forces ====
 Basic unit of collective [[anacreon:game:units#ground_units|ground unit]] strength. Ground forces = sum([[anacreon:lexicon#attack_value|attack value]]/100) for all ground units at a planet or in transports. Not a guarantee of which side will win a battle, as multiple factors affect this. Basic unit of collective [[anacreon:game:units#ground_units|ground unit]] strength. Ground forces = sum([[anacreon:lexicon#attack_value|attack value]]/100) for all ground units at a planet or in transports. Not a guarantee of which side will win a battle, as multiple factors affect this.
 ==== kt ==== ==== kt ====
-Kiloton. Basic unit of mass. Most [[anacreon:game:resources]] weigh 1 kt/unit.+Kiloton. Basic unit of mass. Most [[anacreon:game:resources]] weigh 1 kt/unit. Jumptransports carry 20kT/ship. Resources and units that weigh >20kT get split between multiple jumptransports.
 ==== LY ==== ==== LY ====
 Light-year. Basic unit of [[anacreon:game:map]] distance. Light-year. Basic unit of [[anacreon:game:map]] distance.
anacreon/lexicon.1526575304.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/05/17 16:41 by wtvd0