Name Black Strelka missile
UNID &itStrelkaBlack
Level IX
Base value 150
Mass 35 Kg
Frequency rare
Damage thermo:1d12 (1-12) momentum1; WMD3;
Fire rate 6 (10/second)
Power use 20 (2MW)
Lifetime 60
Speed 60
Maneuverability unguided
Hitpoints 5
Launcher Makayev Launcher
Fragment: Missiles 1d4+12 (13-16)
Damage thermo:1d12 (1-12) momentum1; WMD3;
Lifetime 8
Speed 40-60

Game Description

“The rare and powerful Black Strelka releases a dozen thermonuclear submunitions. It is compatible with the Makayev launcher.”

Community Description

The top-range Makayev missile doesn't track and does not really stack up to other missiles on the market.