Name NAMI mine launcher
UNID &itNAMIMineLauncher
Level VII
Base Value 30000
Mass 2000 (2.0 tons)
Frequency uncommon
Fire Rate 25 (2.3/second)
Power Use 30 (3.0MW)
Missiles Used
CRM100 Fatboy mine
Damage thermo:3d12 (3-36) WMD6;
Lifetime 4800
Manueverability unguided
Fragment: Missiles 6d12 (6-72)
Damage thermo:2d12 (2-24) WMD6
Lifetime 8
CRM500 Running Man mine
Damage blast:3d12 (3-36) WMD6;
Lifetime 2400
Manueverability 2
Fragment: Missiles 6d12 (6-72)
Damage thermo:2d12 (2-24) WMD6
Lifetime 8

Game Description

“The NAMI mine launcher is used by the Commonwealth Fleet to defend colonies in Ares space.”