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Name V10 powered armor segment
UNID &itV10PoweredArmor;
Level IV
Base Value 700
Mass 3500 (3.5 tons)
Frequency rare
Hit Points 80
Power Use 15 (1.5MW)
Photo Repair false
Causes Shield Interference false
Recharges Reactor false
Has Stealth Capabilities false
Immune to Radiation false
Immune to Disintegration false

Game Description

“Powered armor regenerates itself like an energy shield, though not nearly as quickly. The V10 consumes 1.5 MWs per segment.”

Performance Maxtrix

Damage Type Laser Kinetic Particle Blast Ion Thermo Positron Plasma Antimatter Nano Graviton Singularity Dark Acid Dark Steel Dark Lightning Dark Fire
Adjusted Hp (%) 150 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -20 -20 -50 -50 -65 -65
game/items/v10_powered_armor.1419655255.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/04 04:41 (external edit)