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modding:unid_database [2016/06/07 05:41] – |0xED6E|0xABCDEF (Game & Forum) / Archcannon (IRC & Xelerus)| xephyrmodding:unid_database [2025/03/14 00:11] (current) – Elaborated on special UNIDs wolfy
Line 10: Line 10:
 **UNID Database** **UNID Database**
 +The following ranges should not be used for general modding, due to risk of compatibility errors.
 ^Special UNIDS^Reserved for^ ^Special UNIDS^Reserved for^
-|0x0000 to 0x9FFF|Reserved for Base Game|+|0x0000 to 0x9FFF|Reserved for Kronosaur Productions|
 |0xA000 to 0xCFFF|Reserved for Registered Extensions| |0xA000 to 0xCFFF|Reserved for Registered Extensions|
-|0xF000 to 0xFFFF|Reserved for Dynamic UNIDs|+|0xF000 to 0xFFFF|Reserved for typCreate Dynamic UNIDs
 +The following UNIDs correspond to freely available libraries from the multiverse that you can include in your mod. UNID libraries are special libraries that contain nothing but UNIDs for content, enabling a modder to conditionally activate or deactivate content or scripts in their own mod if an end user has the appropriate expansion. 
 +^Public resource libraries^Corresponding DLC^Note^ 
 +|0x007F0000|Corporate Command UNIDs|| 
 +|0x007F0001|Eternity Port UNIDs|| 
 +|0x007F0002|Near Stars Connector UNIDs|| 
 +|0xA0030004|Legacy Resources Library|Contains assets that were removed in version 1.08| 
 +|0xA0030014|Human Space Resources|Contains human space maps for available expanded universe content| 
 +|0xA00A000F|The Stars Beyond UNIDs|| 
 +|0xA0110000|TBA Expansion UNIDs|| 
 +|0xA0190000|Expanded Universe Common Library UNIDs|| 
 +|0xA01A0000|Official Ranx Extension UNIDs|| 
 +|0xA01B0000|TBA Expansion UNIDs||
 ^Registered Extension UNIDs^^ ^Registered Extension UNIDs^^
-|0x????|Placeholder, list to come soon|+|0xA000|Reserved for multiverse testing| 
 +|0xA001|Reserved for multiverse testing| 
 +|0xA002|Reserved for multiverse testing| 
 +|0xA00A|Arisaya - The Stars Beyond| 
 +|0xA010|AssumedPseudonym - The Back Roads| 
 +|0xA011|Arisaya/AssumedPseudonym/Song - Upcoming Expansion| 
 +|0XA019|Expanded Universe Common Library| 
 +|0xA01A|Arisaya - Official Ranx Extension| 
 +|0xA01B|Arisaya/AssumedPseudonym/Song - Upcoming Expansion|
 ===== User UNIDs ===== ===== User UNIDs =====
 ^User UNIDs^^ ^User UNIDs^^
-|0xD000|[Reserved](bugtracker uploaded mods, wiki)|+|0xD000|[Reserved](ministry uploaded issue-reproduction mods, wiki)|
 |0xD001|TheLastBrunnenG| |0xD001|TheLastBrunnenG|
 |0xD002|LordSutekh| |0xD002|LordSutekh|
Line 36: Line 65:
 |0xD010|wnmnkh| |0xD010|wnmnkh|
 |0xD011|JohnBWatson| |0xD011|JohnBWatson|
 |0xD013|Coffee Chicken| |0xD013|Coffee Chicken|
 |0xD016|FAD's Fabricators Inc| |0xD016|FAD's Fabricators Inc|
Line 57: Line 87:
 |0xD111|george_12aerohawk12| |0xD111|george_12aerohawk12|
 |0xD112|WillyTheSquid| |0xD112|WillyTheSquid|
 |0xD120|Felekar| |0xD120|Felekar|
 |0xD123|ShadowLop| |0xD123|ShadowLop|
Line 84: Line 115:
 |0xD256|Alex (Alex_)| |0xD256|Alex (Alex_)|
 |0xD25C|DigDug| |0xD25C|DigDug|
 |0xD270|stealthx| |0xD270|stealthx|
 |0xD271|Dorkmaster (Zacktheperson)| |0xD271|Dorkmaster (Zacktheperson)|
Line 92: Line 124:
 |0xD309|SolarGalaxy| |0xD309|SolarGalaxy|
 |0xD310|catfighter| |0xD310|catfighter|
-|0xD314|Wolfy (Non TX2)|+|0xD314|Arisaya| 
 |0xD366|storm366| |0xD366|storm366|
 +|0xD374|Brian Damage|
 |0xD37C|namer4| |0xD37C|namer4|
 |0xD3F7|Silentdances| |0xD3F7|Silentdances|
Line 106: Line 141:
 |0xD512|Prophet| |0xD512|Prophet|
 |0xD518|robotarozum| |0xD518|robotarozum|
 |0xD52B|Kaype| |0xD52B|Kaype|
 |0xD555|PAWN| |0xD555|PAWN|
 |0xD584|Branden| |0xD584|Branden|
Line 155: Line 192:
 |0xDC17|vegatron| |0xDC17|vegatron|
 |0xDC19|Christian| |0xDC19|Christian|
 |0xDC48|Shrike & AssumedPseudonym (SNAPSS Collab)| |0xDC48|Shrike & AssumedPseudonym (SNAPSS Collab)|
 |0xDCAC|Lokasenna| |0xDCAC|Lokasenna|
 |0xDCAF|Drako Slyith| |0xDCAF|Drako Slyith|
Line 166: Line 203:
 |0xDDDD|Periculi| |0xDDDD|Periculi|
 |0xDDDE|giantcabbage| |0xDDDE|giantcabbage|
 |0xDEA0|Tgoldendeag| |0xDEA0|Tgoldendeag|
 |0xDEA8|Nill/Jose/ZuriZ| |0xDEA8|Nill/Jose/ZuriZ|
Line 178: Line 216:
 |0xDEF0|Pixelfck| |0xDEF0|Pixelfck|
 |0xDEF3|Tshark9999| |0xDEF3|Tshark9999|
 +|0xDEFA| Balentius|
 |0xDEFD|Heliogenesis| |0xDEFD|Heliogenesis|
 |0xDEFF|Xephyr| |0xDEFF|Xephyr|
Line 211: Line 250:
 |0xE256|Aron0621| |0xE256|Aron0621|
 |0xE273|UberWaffe| |0xE273|UberWaffe|
-|0xE314|Wolfy (TX2)|+|0xE314|Arisaya (Legacy releases of TX2 and TSB)|
 |0xE316|jimj316| |0xE316|jimj316|
 |0xE333|Metallicow| |0xE333|Metallicow|
Line 228: Line 267:
 |0xE7F3|Star Weaver| |0xE7F3|Star Weaver|
 |0xE964|Shifter55| |0xE964|Shifter55|
 |0xE999|dreadfang| |0xE999|dreadfang|
 |0xEAAA|IceMephit| |0xEAAA|IceMephit|
 |0xEAB8|Belxjander| |0xEAB8|Belxjander|
 |0xEAB3|shanejfilomena| |0xEAB3|shanejfilomena|
 |0xECC0|Dimensional| |0xECC0|Dimensional|
 |0xED0C|code_reaper| |0xED0C|code_reaper|
Line 251: Line 292:
 |0xEF42|steelwing| |0xEF42|steelwing|
 |0xEF55|Deltax| |0xEF55|Deltax|
 |0xEFFB|IggZ0r (Cpt. Niceguy on the forums)| |0xEFFB|IggZ0r (Cpt. Niceguy on the forums)|
-|0xEFFC|[Temporary] Official Transcendence Patch For Stable Versions (Until Registered)+|0xEFFC|Contributors - Temporary Transcendence Patches For Stable Versions| 
-|0xEFFD|[Temporary] Official Transcendence Patch For Beta Versions (Until Registered)+|0xEFFD|Contributors - Temporary Transcendence Patches For Beta Versions| 
-|0xEFFE|[Temporary] Ranx Official Extension (Until registered)|+|0xEFFE|Arisaya - Expansion Library Template|
 |0xEFFF|The Sandbox| |0xEFFF|The Sandbox|
modding/unid_database.1465278097.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/06/07 05:41 by xephyr