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modding:xml:api_version [2013/09/02 19:27] gpmmodding:xml:api_version [2024/10/22 20:28] (current) wolfy
Line 16: Line 16:
 The following API versions are implemented: The following API versions are implemented:
 +====API Version 53====
 +Transcendence 1.9
 +====API Version 52====
 +====API Version 51====
 +====API Version 50====
 +====API Version 49====
 +====API Version 48====
 +====API Version 47====
 +====API Version 46====
 +====API Version 45====
 +====API Version 44====
 +====API Version 43====
 +====API Version 42====
 +====API Version 41====
 +====API Version 40====
 +====API Version 39====
 +====API Version 38====
 +====API Version 37====
 +====API Version 36====
 +====API Version 35====
 +====API Version 34====
 +Transcendence 1.7 Beta 5
 +[[|Full API spec on Ministry]]
 +====API Version 33====
 +Transcendence 1.7 Beta 4
 +[[|Full API spec on Ministry]]
 +====API Version 32====
 +Transcendence 1.7 Beta 3
 +[[|Full API spec on Ministry]]
 +====API Version 31====
 +Transcendence 1.7 Beta 1
 +[[|Full API spec on Ministry]]
 +====API Version 30====
 +Transcendence 1.7 Alpha 2
 +[[|Full API spec on Ministry]]
 +====API Version 29====
 +Transcendence 1.7 stream
 +[[|Full API spec on Ministry]]
 +====API Version 27====
 +====API Version 26====
 +====API Version 25====
 +====API Version 24====
 +====API Version 23====
 +====API Version 22====
 +====API Version 22====
 +Transcendence 1.3 and above.
 ====API Version 14==== ====API Version 14====
 Transcendence 1.2 Beta 1 and above. Transcendence 1.2 Beta 1 and above.
 === Dynamic Effects === === Dynamic Effects ===
 +Dynamic effects are visual effects whose parameters are modified at runtime. A dynamic effect uses the <GetParameters> event on an <EventType> to dynamically set the effect parameters. For example:
 +  <EffectType UNID="..."
 +        instance="creator"
 +        >
 +     <Effect>
 +        <Ray
 +           style="..."
 +           ...
 +           >
 +           <Events>
 +              <GetParameters>
 +                 (block Nil
 +                    ...
 +                    {
 +                       length: ...
 +                       width: ...
 +                       intensity: ...
 +                       }
 +                    )
 +              </GetParameters>
 +           </Events>
 +        </Ray>
 +     </Effect>
 +  </EffectType>
 +In the above example, the parameters for the <Ray> effect are being set by the <GetParameters> function, which returns a struct. Each field in the struct represents a parameter in the <Ray> element to be set.
 +The **instance** parameter on <EffectType> defines when <GetParameters> is called to set the effect parameters. The valid instances are:
 +  * creator: The effect parameters are defined each time the effect is created (e.g., when the weapon is fired).
 +  * game: The effect parameters are defined once at the beginning of the game and shared. For example, if multiple weapons use the same effect, all will use the same parameters.
 +  * owner: The effect parameters are defined once per effect owner. For example, if multiple weapons use the same effect, the effect will be defined separately for each weapon.
 +NOTE: As of API version 14, only the <Ray> effect supports dynamic effects.
 +=== Enhancement Devices ===
 +In previous APIs the <EnhancerDevice> element was used to define a device that could enhance other devices (weapons, shields, etc.) In API version 14 there is a new element, called <EnhancementAbilities> that may be added to any device class (e.g., a <Shields> device).
 +The <EnhancementAbilities> element may contain zero or more <Enhance> sub-elements, each of which defines an enhancement conferred on other devices. The <Enhance> sub-element has the following parameters:
 +  * type: This is a user-defined string representing the type of enhancement. Only a single enhancement of each type will be applied.
 +  * criteria: This is an item criteria specifying the set of devices that will be enhanced by this device.
 +  * enhancement: This defines the enhancement applied to the set of devices that match the criteria. This is expressed as an enhancement code (see shpEnhanceItem) or as one of the following special codes:
 +    * "+hpBonus:{n};" where {n} is the percent bonus.
 +    * "+shield:{n};" where {n} is a level. This is equivalent to the shield:{n} damage modifier.
 +    * "+speed:{n};" where {n} is the percent value of the new weapon delay time relative to the current one. E.g., 75 = 75% of the original delay time.
 === New Functions === === New Functions ===
modding/xml/api_version.1378150079.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/12/27 04:40 (external edit)