This is an old revision of the document!
Table of Contents
An effect element is an element that defines how to paint something on the screen. For example, weapons use an <Effect> element to define how to paint a projectile. Not all effect elements are called <Effect>. For example, weapons also have a <FireEffect> element that describes how to paint the muzzle-flash for the weapon.
In all cases, an effect element contains 0 or more sub-elements called painters. Each painter defines a particular type of paint effect. For example, an <Image> painter is used to paint a bitmap. If more than one painter is specified, they are painted in order, one of top of the other.
Suggesstion for laser colors.
The following painters exist:
new in 1.06 |
<Beam> |
Version: 1.06 and above.
beamType= Choose from one of many styles (list taken from TSE\SFXBeam.cpp)
- laser
- lightning
- heavyblaster
- starblaster
- particle
- greenparticle
- blueparticle
- blaster
- greenlightning
primaryColor= Hexidecimal for the primary color.
secondaryColor= Hexidecimal for the secondary color.
intensity= Increases beam width (discovered by Hatsya)
length= The length of the bolt in pixels.
width= The width of the bolt in pixels.
primaryColor= The primary color.
secondaryColor= The secondary color.
style= One of the following:
- fadingBlast
radius= The radius in pixels.
lifetime= The lifetime of the effect in ticks.
imageID= UNID of the image to use.
imageX= X-coordinate of the upper-left of the image to use.
imageY= Y-coordinate of the upper-left of the image to use.
imageWidth= Width of the image in pixels.
imageHeight= Height of the image in pixels.
lifetime= Ticks to show image.
imageFrameCount= Number of animation frames in the image. If the effect lasts longer than the number of frames then the animation starts again from the beginning.
imageTicksPerFrame= Ticks to show each frame (valid only if imageFrameCount is non-zero).
randomStartFrame= If true, then start at a random frame (valid only if imageFrameCount is non-zero).
rotationCount= Number of rotation frames.
Same attributes as <Image> plus the following additional attributes:
length= Length of the tail in pixels.
width= Width of the tail in pixels.
primaryColor= Primary color of the tail.
secondaryColor= Secondary color of the tail.
length= Length of the bolt in pixels.
width= Width of the bolt in pixels.
growth= If non-zero, the length of the bolt will increase by this number of pixels on each tick (up to a maximum of 8 ticks).
primaryColor= Primary color of bolt.
secondaryColor= Secondary color of bolt.
This painter is used for weapons of type=particles.
style= One of:
- flame
- plain
- line
- smoke
minWidth= The minimum width of the particle in pixels.
maxWidth= The maximum width of the particle in pixels.
primaryColor= The primary color of the particle.
secondaryColor= The secondary color of the particle.
Version: 1.08 and above.
This painter creates a cloud of particles with various shapes and behaviors.
style= One of:
- cloud
- splash
- jet
- ring
lifetime= The lifetime of the effect in ticks (expressed as a dice range). The value -1 means that the effect is immortal (lasts forever).
emitDuration= The amount of time during which the effect will create new particles. For immortal effects this is expressed as a number of ticks. For effects with a limited lifetime, this is expressed as a % of the total lifetime.
emitRate= The number of new particles to create per tick (expressed as a dice range).
emitSpeed= The speed of a newly created particle (as a percent of light speed, expressed as a dice range).
particleCount= The number of particles initially created; these will appear immediately when the effect starts. The position and velocity of the initially created particles depends on the style. This property is a dice range.
particleLifetime= The lifetime a particle in the cloud in ticks. A value of -1 means that particles live forever. This property is a dice range.
radius= For cloud effects, this is the maximum radius of the cloud. For ring effects this is the radius of the ring. (expressed in pixels).
ringWidth= For ring effects, this is the radius of the ring in pixels.
cohesion= This is a value from 0 to 100 specifying the cohesion of the particles. Higher values accelerate the particles towards the center of the effect.
viscosity= This is a value from 0 to 100 specifying the tendency of the particles to move out of their designated shape (either cloud or ring). With higher values, particles tend to stay within the effect's shape.
wakePotential= This is a value from 0 to 100 specifying the tendency of the particles to be affected by objects (such as ships) moving through them.
<ParticleEffect> This sub-element defines the effect to use to paint each particle. You may use any valid painter (or set of painters), but the <Particle> painter is the most efficient.
width= Width of the comet in pixels.
length= Length of the comet in pixels.
particleCount= Number of particles in the comet.
primaryColor= Primary color of the particles.
particleCount= The number of particles in the explosion (this is a dice range).
particleSpeed= The speed of each particle in % of light-speed.
particleLifetime= The lifetime of each particle (in ticks).
lifetime= The lifetime of the effect (expressed as a dice range).
<Image> A sub-element that defines the image to use for each particle.
spikeCount= The number of spikes, expressed as a dice range. The number of spikes is computed on each frame.
spikeLength= The length of each spike, in pixels, expressed as a dice range. Each spike's length is computed independently on each frame.
primaryColor= The primary color of the sphere.
secondaryColor= The secondary color of the sphere.
This painter paints a muzzle-flash. It has no attributes.
This painter draws a filled polygon defined by the <Point> sub-elements.
width= The width of the polygon in pixels
length= The length of the polygon in pixels.
widthInc= Each tick, the width is increased by this number of pixels.
lengthInc= Each tick, the length is increased by this number of pixels.
color= The color of the polygon.
opacity= The opacity of the polygon (0 = transparent; 255 = opaque).
directional= If true, then the polygon is oriented along the appropriate direction (e.g., the direction in which the projectile was fired).
The <Point> sub-element determines a corner of the shape you are making. It consists only of an x and y value. Negative values are declared by placing a minus (-) sign before the value; the game will treat the value as positive otherwise.
x= The vertical location of the point. Positive value: up; negative value: down.
y= The horizontal location of the point. Positive value: left; negative value: right.
<Point x="0" y="0"/> <Point x="-35" y="50"/> <Point x="-100" y="0"/> <Point x="-35" y="-50"/>
The <Point> sub-elements must be declared in clockwise or anti-clockwise order for the shape to look right. In the above example, the <Point> sub-elements are declared in a clockwise manner, creating a diamond shape.
style= One of the following:
- glowRing
- image
speed= The speed with which the shockwave expands (as % of light-speed).
lifetime= The lifetime of the shockwave in ticks.
fadeStart= The point at which the shockwave begins to fade (expressed as a percent of lifetime).
This style paints an expanding, glowing ring. It includes the following attributes:
primaryColor= The primary color of the ring.
secondaryColor= The secondary color of the ring.
width= The width of the ring in pixels (i.e., the thickness of the ring).
glowWidth= The width of the glowing part of the ring in pixels (generally greater than the width).
This style using an image to paint the shockwave.
<Image> An element describing the image to use.
lifetime= The lifetime of the effect in ticks.
spread= The width of the particle spray (expressed as units proportional to the angular spread). This is a dice range.
emitDuration= The amount of time that new particles are being emitted (expressed as a percentage of total lifetime).
emitRate= The number of particles emitted on each tick. This is a dice range.
emitSpeed= The speed of each particle, as a percent of light-speed. This is a dice range.
particleLifetime= The lifetime (in ticks) of an individual particle expressed as a dice range.
<ParticleEffect> This sub-element defines the effect to use to paint each particle. You may use any valid painter (or set of painters), but the <Particle> painter is the most efficient.
style= One of the following:
- flare
- lightningStar
- morningStar
- plain
lifetime= The lifetime of the effect in ticks.
spikeCount= The number of spikes to paint (this is a dice range computed on every tick).
spikeLength= The length of each spike in pixels (this is a dice range computed for each spike on every tick).
primaryColor= The primary color.
secondaryColor= The secondary color.
Suggested Colors
(Taken from here)
Lasers: red, green, or purple (in ascending order of strength)
Kinetic: gray
Particle: green, with particulate texture
Blast: flame
Ion: cyan
Thermo: flame/orange
Positron: yellow, with particulate texture
Plasma: yellow
Antimatter: yellow
Nano: various (gray/green/etc) but with complex texture
Graviton: purple/violet
Singularity: black/white/violet
Dark Acid: teal
Dark Steel: gray-green
Dark Lightning: blue
Dark Fire: red
For lasers, we should probably avoid yellow and blue (to avoid confusion with positron/antimatter and ion). If you want to create new laser styles I recommend mixing in more white (to make the beam whiter). For example, I imagine a gamma-ray laser could be white with fringes of violet/purple.
API 20 (1.3 Beta 1 )
From wolfy's post.
Beam types
lightning lightningBolt heavyblaster greenparticle blueparticle blaster starblaster greenlightning jaggedBolt
Ray types
fade diamond oval straight tapered cone wavy smooth jagged grainy
No Hiteffects
<HitEffect> <Null/> </HitEffect>