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  • EffectType: If this contains an Effect or multiple subelements, then it is considered a dynamically created group of effects. If there is one subelement, then it becomes a simple effect creator. If there are none, then it becomes a Null creator.
    • UNID=
    • sound= [type_sound]
    • instance= [effect_instance]
      • “game”
      • “owner”
      • “creator”
    • 0 or 1 Effect
      • [All Subelements]
        • 0 or 1 Events
          • 0 or 1 GetParameters: Returns valid values for each of the parent element's attributes.
      • Beam
        • beamType= [beam_type]
          • “heavyblaster”
          • “jaggedBolt”
          • “laser”
          • “lightning”
          • “lightningBolt”
          • “particle”
          • “starblaster”
          • “greenParticle”
          • “blueParticle”
          • “blaster”
          • “greenLightning”
        • intensity= [whole number]
        • primaryColor= [hex color]
        • secondaryColor= [hex color]
      • Bolt
        • length= [whole number]
        • width= [whole number]
        • primaryColor= [hex color]
        • secondaryColor= [hex color]
      • Damage: Contains the same attributes and subelements as a Weapon
      • Ellipse
        • eccentricity= [whole number] between 0 and 100.
        • lineColor= [hex color]
        • lineStyle= [style_line]
          • “dashed”
          • “solid”
        • lineWidth= [whole number]
        • radius= [whole number]
        • rotation= [whole number] degrees
      • Flare
        • lifetime= [whole number]
        • radius= [whole number]
        • primaryColor= [hex color]
        • secondaryColor= [hex color]
        • style= [style_flare]
          • “fadingBlast”
          • “flicker”
          • “plain”
      • Group: Same as Effect
      • Image
        • imageID= [Image type] Inherited from ImageDesc
        • imageX= [whole number] Inherited from ImageDesc
        • imageY= [whole number] Inherited from ImageDesc
        • imageWidth= [whole number] Inherited from ImageDesc
        • imageHeight= [whole number] Inherited from ImageDesc
        • imageFrameCount= [whole number] Inherited from ImageDesc
        • imageTicksPerFrame= [whole number] Inherited from ImageDesc
        • lifetime= [whole number]
        • randomStartFrame= [boolean]
        • rotateImage= [boolean]
        • rotationCount= [whole number]
        • imageVariants= [whole number]
      • ImageAndTail
        • imageID= [Image type] Inherited from ImageDesc
        • imageX= [whole number] Inherited from ImageDesc
        • imageY= [whole number] Inherited from ImageDesc
        • imageWidth= [whole number] Inherited from ImageDesc
        • imageHeight= [whole number] Inherited from ImageDesc
        • imageFrameCount= [whole number] Inherited from ImageDesc
        • imageTicksPerFrame= [whole number] Inherited from ImageDesc
        • imageVariants= [whole number]
        • randomStartFrame= [boolean]
        • length= [whole number]
        • width= [whole number]
        • primaryColor= [hex color]
        • secondaryColor= [hex color]
      • ImageFracture: Used for the wreck destruction effect
        • Image: Same as ImageDesc
          • imageID= [Image type] Inherited from ImageDesc
          • imageX= [whole number] Inherited from ImageDesc
          • imageY= [whole number] Inherited from ImageDesc
          • imageWidth= [whole number] Inherited from ImageDesc
          • imageHeight= [whole number] Inherited from ImageDesc
          • imageFrameCount= [whole number] Inherited from ImageDesc
          • imageTicksPerFrame= [whole number] Inherited from ImageDesc
      • LightningStorm
        • intensity= [dice_range]
        • lifetime= [dice_range] ticks
        • primaryColor= [hex color]
        • secondaryColor= [hex color]
        • style= [style_lightning_storm]
          • “”
          • “objectArcs”
      • MoltenBolt
        • length= [whole number]
        • width= [whole number]
        • growth= [whole number] Length increase per tick for the first 8 ticks?
        • primaryColor= [hex color]
        • secondaryColor= [hex color]
      • Null

* Orb

    * **animate**= [animate_orb]
	* **blendMode**= [blend_mode]
	* **detail**= [dice_range]
	* **distortion**= [dice_range]
	* **lifetime**= [dice_range]
	* **intensity**= [dice_range]
	* **primaryColor**= [hex_color]
	* **radius**= [dice_range]
	* **secondaryColor**= [hex color]
	* **spikeCount**= [dice_range]
    * Particle
      * **style**= [style_particle]
        * "plain"
        * "flame"
        * "smoke"
        * "line"
      * **minWidth**= [whole number]
      * **maxWidth**= [whole number]
      * **primaryColor**= [hex color]
      * **secondaryColor**= [hex color]
    * ParticleCloud
      * **drag**= [integer]
      * **cohesion**= [whole_100]
      * **emitDuration**= [whole number] must be less than **lifetime**
      * **emitRate**= [dice range]
      * **emitRotation**= [integer]
      * **emitSpeed**= [dice range]
      * **lifetime**= [dice range]
      * **particleCount**= [dice range]
      * **particleLifetime**= [dice range]
      * **radius**= [whole]
      * **ringWidth**= [whole]
      * **slowMotion**= [whole number]
      * **spreadAngle**= [dice range]
      * **style**= [style_particle_cloud]
        * "cloud"
        * "exhaust"
        * "jet"
        * "ring"
        * "splash"
      * **viscosity**= [whole_100]
      * **wakePotential**= [whole_100]
      * ParticleEffect: Same as Effect
    * ParticleExplosion
      * **particleCount**= [dice_range]
      * **particleSpeed**= [dice_range]
      * **particleLifetime**= [dice_range]
      * **lifetime**= [dice_range]
      * Image: Same as ImageDesc
        * **imageID**= [Image type] Inherited from ImageDesc
        * **imageX**= [whole number] Inherited from ImageDesc
        * **imageY**= [whole number] Inherited from ImageDesc
        * **imageWidth**= [whole number] Inherited from ImageDesc
        * **imageHeight**= [whole number] Inherited from ImageDesc
        * **imageFrameCount**= [whole number] Inherited from ImageDesc
        * **imageTicksPerFrame**= [whole number] Inherited from ImageDesc
    * ParticlePattern / ParticleComet
      * **jitterLength**=
      * **length**= [dice_range]
      * **lifetime**= [dice_range]
      * **particleCount**= [dice_range]
      * **particleSpeed**= [dice_range]
      * **primaryColor**= [hex color]
      * **secondaryColor**= [hex color]
      * **spreadAngle**= [dice_range]
      * **style**= [style_particle_pattern]
        * ""
        * "comet"
        * "jet"
      * **width**= [dice_range]
      * ParticleEffect: Same as Effect
    * ParticleSystem / ParticleJet
      * **cohesion**= [dice_range]
      * **emitChance**= [dice_range]
      * **emitRate**= [dice_range]
      * **emitSpeed**= [dice_range]
      * **emitLifetime**= [dice_range]
      * **fixedPos**= [boolean]
      * **isTrackingObject**=
      * **particleLifetime**= [dice_range]
      * **radius**= [dice_range]
      * **spreadAngle**= [dice_range]
      * **lifetime**= [dice_range]
      * **style**= [style_particle_system]
        * ""
        * "amorphous"
        * "comet"
        * "exhaust"
        * "jet"
        * "radiate"
        * "spray"
        * "writhe"
        * "brownian"
      * **tangentSpeed**= [dice_range]
      * **wakePotential**= [dice_range]
      * **xformRotation**= [dice_range]
      * **xformTime**= [dice_range]
      * ParticleEffect: Same as Effect
    * PlasmaSphere
      * **spikeCount**= [dice_range]
      * **spikeLength**= [dice_range]
      * **primaryColor**= [hex_color]
      * **radius**= [dice_range]
      * **secondaryColor**= [hex_color]
    * Polyflash
    * Ray
      * **animate**= [animate_ray]
      * **animateOpacity**= [animate_ray]
      * **blendMode**= [blend_mode]
      * **intensity**= [dice_range]
      * **length**= [dice_range]
      * **lifetime**= [dice_range]
      * **primaryColor**= [hex_color]
      * **secondaryColor**= [hex_color]
      * **shape**= [shape_ray]
      * **style**= [style_ray]
      * **width**= [dice_range]
      * **xformRotation**= [dice_range]
    * Sequencer: A sequence of simple effects
    * Shape
      * **blendMode**= [blend_mode]
        * "normal"
        * "multiply"
        * "overlay"
        * "screen"
        * "hardLight"
        * "composite"
      * **scaleWidth**= [integer]
      * **scaleLength**= [integer]
      * **color**= [hex_color]
      * **opacity**= [whole]
      * **directional**= [boolean]
      * **scaleWidthInc**= [integer]
      * **scaleLengthInc**= [integer]
      * Point
        * **x**= [integer]
        * **y**= [integer]
    * Shockwave
      * **blendMode**= [blend_mode]
      * **fadeStart**= [dice_range]
      * **glowSize**= [dice_range]
      * **intensity**= [dice_range]
      * **lifetime**= [dice_range]
      * **primaryColor**= [hex_color]
      * **secondaryColor**= [hex_color]
      * **speed**= [dice_range]
      * **style**= [style_shockwave]
      * **width**= [dice_range]
      * Image: Same as ImageDesc
    * SmokeTrail=
      * **lifetime**= [dice_range]
      * **spread**= [dice_range]
      * **emitDuration**= [dice_range]
      * **particleLifetime**= [dice_range]
      * **emitRate**= [dice_range]
      * **emitSpeed**= [dice_range]
      * **rotation**= [dice_range]
      * ParticleEffect: Same as Effect
    * Starburst
      * **spikeCount**= [dice_range]
      * **spikeLength**= [dice_range]
      * **primaryColor**= [hex_color]
      * **secondaryColor**= [hex_color]
      * **style**= [style_starburst]
        * **ballLightning**=
        * **flare**=
        * **plain**=
        * **lightningStar**=
        * **morningStar**=
      * **lifetime**= [dice_range]
    * Text
      * **align**= [align_horizontal]
        * "center"
        * "right"
        * "left"
      * **font**= [font]
      * **opacity**= [whole]
      * **primaryColor**= [hex_color]
      * **text**= [string]
    * Variants: Effect varies based on a value. Subelements must have the attribute **maxValue**


An effect element is an element that defines how to paint something on the screen. For example, weapons use an <Effect> element to define how to paint a projectile. Not all effect elements are called <Effect>. For example, weapons also have a <FireEffect> element that describes how to paint the muzzle-flash for the weapon.

In all cases, an effect element contains 0 or more sub-elements called painters. Each painter defines a particular type of paint effect. For example, an <Image> painter is used to paint a bitmap. If more than one painter is specified, they are painted in order, one of top of the other.

Suggesstion for laser colors.

The following painters exist:

new in 1.06


Version: 1.06 and above.

beamType= Choose from one of many styles (list taken from TSE\SFXBeam.cpp)

  • laser
  • lightning
  • heavyblaster
  • starblaster
  • particle
  • greenparticle
  • blueparticle
  • blaster
  • greenlightning

primaryColor= Hexidecimal for the primary color.

secondaryColor= Hexidecimal for the secondary color.

intensity= Increases beam width (discovered by Hatsya)


length= The length of the bolt in pixels.

width= The width of the bolt in pixels.

primaryColor= The primary color.

secondaryColor= The secondary color.


style= One of the following:

  • fadingBlast

radius= The radius in pixels.

lifetime= The lifetime of the effect in ticks.


imageID= UNID of the image to use.

imageX= X-coordinate of the upper-left of the image to use.

imageY= Y-coordinate of the upper-left of the image to use.

imageWidth= Width of the image in pixels.

imageHeight= Height of the image in pixels.

lifetime= Ticks to show image.

imageFrameCount= Number of animation frames in the image. If the effect lasts longer than the number of frames then the animation starts again from the beginning.

imageTicksPerFrame= Ticks to show each frame (valid only if imageFrameCount is non-zero).

randomStartFrame= If true, then start at a random frame (valid only if imageFrameCount is non-zero).

rotationCount= Number of rotation frames.


Same attributes as <Image> plus the following additional attributes:

length= Length of the tail in pixels.

width= Width of the tail in pixels.

primaryColor= Primary color of the tail.

secondaryColor= Secondary color of the tail.


length= Length of the bolt in pixels.

width= Width of the bolt in pixels.

growth= If non-zero, the length of the bolt will increase by this number of pixels on each tick (up to a maximum of 8 ticks).

primaryColor= Primary color of bolt.

secondaryColor= Secondary color of bolt.


This painter is used for weapons of type=particles.

style= One of:

  • flame
  • plain
  • line
  • smoke

minWidth= The minimum width of the particle in pixels.

maxWidth= The maximum width of the particle in pixels.

primaryColor= The primary color of the particle.

secondaryColor= The secondary color of the particle.


Version: 1.08 and above.

This painter creates a cloud of particles with various shapes and behaviors.

style= One of:

  • cloud
  • splash
  • jet
  • ring

lifetime= The lifetime of the effect in ticks (expressed as a dice range). The value -1 means that the effect is immortal (lasts forever).

emitDuration= The amount of time during which the effect will create new particles. For immortal effects this is expressed as a number of ticks. For effects with a limited lifetime, this is expressed as a % of the total lifetime.

emitRate= The number of new particles to create per tick (expressed as a dice range).

emitSpeed= The speed of a newly created particle (as a percent of light speed, expressed as a dice range).

particleCount= The number of particles initially created; these will appear immediately when the effect starts. The position and velocity of the initially created particles depends on the style. This property is a dice range.

particleLifetime= The lifetime a particle in the cloud in ticks. A value of -1 means that particles live forever. This property is a dice range.

radius= For cloud effects, this is the maximum radius of the cloud. For ring effects this is the radius of the ring. (expressed in pixels).

ringWidth= For ring effects, this is the radius of the ring in pixels.

cohesion= This is a value from 0 to 100 specifying the cohesion of the particles. Higher values accelerate the particles towards the center of the effect.

viscosity= This is a value from 0 to 100 specifying the tendency of the particles to move out of their designated shape (either cloud or ring). With higher values, particles tend to stay within the effect's shape.

wakePotential= This is a value from 0 to 100 specifying the tendency of the particles to be affected by objects (such as ships) moving through them.

<ParticleEffect> This sub-element defines the effect to use to paint each particle. You may use any valid painter (or set of painters), but the <Particle> painter is the most efficient.


width= Width of the comet in pixels.

length= Length of the comet in pixels.

particleCount= Number of particles in the comet.

primaryColor= Primary color of the particles.


particleCount= The number of particles in the explosion (this is a dice range).

particleSpeed= The speed of each particle in % of light-speed.

particleLifetime= The lifetime of each particle (in ticks).

lifetime= The lifetime of the effect (expressed as a dice range).

<Image> A sub-element that defines the image to use for each particle.


spikeCount= The number of spikes, expressed as a dice range. The number of spikes is computed on each frame.

spikeLength= The length of each spike, in pixels, expressed as a dice range. Each spike's length is computed independently on each frame.

primaryColor= The primary color of the sphere.

secondaryColor= The secondary color of the sphere.


This painter paints a muzzle-flash. It has no attributes.


This painter draws a filled polygon defined by the <Point> sub-elements.

width= The width of the polygon in pixels

length= The length of the polygon in pixels.

widthInc= Each tick, the width is increased by this number of pixels.

lengthInc= Each tick, the length is increased by this number of pixels.

color= The color of the polygon.

opacity= The opacity of the polygon (0 = transparent; 255 = opaque).

directional= If true, then the polygon is oriented along the appropriate direction (e.g., the direction in which the projectile was fired).


The <Point> sub-element determines a corner of the shape you are making. It consists only of an x and y value. Negative values are declared by placing a minus (-) sign before the value; the game will treat the value as positive otherwise.

x= The vertical location of the point. Positive value: up; negative value: down.

y= The horizontal location of the point. Positive value: left; negative value: right.

<Point x="0" y="0"/>
<Point x="-35" y="50"/>
<Point x="-100" y="0"/>
<Point x="-35" y="-50"/>

The <Point> sub-elements must be declared in clockwise or anti-clockwise order for the shape to look right. In the above example, the <Point> sub-elements are declared in a clockwise manner, creating a diamond shape.


style= One of the following:

  • glowRing
  • image

speed= The speed with which the shockwave expands (as % of light-speed).

lifetime= The lifetime of the shockwave in ticks.

fadeStart= The point at which the shockwave begins to fade (expressed as a percent of lifetime).


This style paints an expanding, glowing ring. It includes the following attributes:

primaryColor= The primary color of the ring.

secondaryColor= The secondary color of the ring.

width= The width of the ring in pixels (i.e., the thickness of the ring).

glowWidth= The width of the glowing part of the ring in pixels (generally greater than the width).


This style using an image to paint the shockwave.

<Image> An element describing the image to use.


lifetime= The lifetime of the effect in ticks.

spread= The width of the particle spray (expressed as units proportional to the angular spread). This is a dice range.

emitDuration= The amount of time that new particles are being emitted (expressed as a percentage of total lifetime).

emitRate= The number of particles emitted on each tick. This is a dice range.

emitSpeed= The speed of each particle, as a percent of light-speed. This is a dice range.

particleLifetime= The lifetime (in ticks) of an individual particle expressed as a dice range.

<ParticleEffect> This sub-element defines the effect to use to paint each particle. You may use any valid painter (or set of painters), but the <Particle> painter is the most efficient.


style= One of the following:

  • flare
  • lightningStar
  • morningStar
  • plain

lifetime= The lifetime of the effect in ticks.

spikeCount= The number of spikes to paint (this is a dice range computed on every tick).

spikeLength= The length of each spike in pixels (this is a dice range computed for each spike on every tick).

primaryColor= The primary color.

secondaryColor= The secondary color.

Suggested Colors

(Taken from here)
Lasers: red, green, or purple (in ascending order of strength)
Kinetic: gray
Particle: green, with particulate texture
Blast: flame
Ion: cyan
Thermo: flame/orange
Positron: yellow, with particulate texture
Plasma: yellow
Antimatter: yellow
Nano: various (gray/green/etc) but with complex texture
Graviton: purple/violet
Singularity: black/white/violet
Dark Acid: teal
Dark Steel: gray-green
Dark Lightning: blue
Dark Fire: red

For lasers, we should probably avoid yellow and blue (to avoid confusion with positron/antimatter and ion). If you want to create new laser styles I recommend mixing in more white (to make the beam whiter). For example, I imagine a gamma-ray laser could be white with fringes of violet/purple.

API 20 (1.3 Beta 1 )

From wolfy's post.
Beam types


Ray types


No Hiteffects

modding/xml/effecttype.1504308577.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/01 23:29 by 0xabcdef