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Era 3 Resource Tables

Individual properties (e.g., WU Cost) are explained in the lexicon. Trl = Trillum, Hex = Hexacarbide, Chr = Chronimium, Aet = Aetherium, Cht = Chtholon. Masses are in kilotons. Structures in italics are present in game resources but not implemented. SCI WU costs assume “major” deposits of raw materials. These values are accurate as of the Era 3.9 update.

Consumer Goods

Resource NameMin TLHalf- LifeWU CostTrlHexChrAetChtSCI WU costMassStructureComments
organic food10.10.04 0.041consumer goods autofac, agricultural complexearthlike, ocean, desert, empyreal worlds have lower WU cost
durable goods430.10.04 .141consumer goods autofac, durable goods industry
luxuries70.51.50.1 1.61consumer goods autofac, luxury goods autofac

Raw Materials

Raw material WU cost is affected by deposit abundance.

Resource NameMin TLHalf- LifeWU CostTrlHexChrAetChtSCI WU costMassStructureComments
trillum3201 11trillum extractor
hexacarbide4 91 101hexacarbide foundrydoes not undergo attrition
chronimium71232 251chronimium refinery
aetherium5105 51aetherium processorworld types with aetherium only occur in nebulae
chtholon72012 2 221chtholon extractorplanets with chtholon only occur in nebulae

Life Support

Resource NameMin TLHalf- LifeWU CostTrlHexChrAetChtSCI WU costMassStructureComments
air filters210.05 0.051air processor, domed city, sealed arcology
life support supplies30.30.080.01 0.091life support system, pressurized habitat, domed city, sealed arcology
radiation meds30.30.080.01 0.091radiation clinic, habitat city, shielded city, shielded arcology
radiation shielding350.060.01 0.071flare shelter, habitat city, shielded city, shielded arcology

Infantry Equipment

Resource NameMin TLHalf- LifeWU CostTrlHexChrAetChtSCI WU costMassStructureComments
light armored vehicle510400110 50110infantry autofac
exoarmor710650051010 68552.5infantry autofac
anacreon/eras/era3/resources.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/15 18:42 by wtvd0