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See itmSetCharges at Xelerus

Syntax (itmSetCharges item charges) → item
Arguments item: the item whose charges you want to change
charges: the amount of charges you want to make the item have
Returns a new item, with the charges set. This item contains all other attributes of the original item
Category 0.99, item
Description Some items in game use charges to keep track of a certain value. This function can be used to set that value.


How to double the charges on Blue Credit Chip:

(block (creditChip charges)
  (setq creditChip (itmCreate &itCashCardBlue; 1))
  (setq charges (itmGetCharges creditChip))
  (setq creditChip (itmSetCharges creditChip (multiply charges 2)))

This returns a new creditChip with double the amount of charges Return to Functions list

modding/function/itmsetcharges.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/27 04:40 by