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Syntax (objChangeEquipmentStatus obj equipment command [duration] [options])
Arguments obj: The space object to change equipment status on
equipment: the equipment to alter status on
command: what to set the equipment status to
[duration]: Duration, in ticks, that the status is changed for
[options]: Currently limited to 'noMessage, which does not message the player about the status change.
Returns True if succesful, Nil otherwise
Category spaceObject functions
Equipment Command
'Autopilot 'install
'GalacticMap 'install
FriendlyFireLock 'install
LRS none
SRS 'damage
SRSEnhancer 'install
SystemMap none
TargetingComputer 'install


 (objChangeEquipmentStatus gPlayerShip 'TargetingComputer 'install) 

Installs a targeting program on the playership.

Return to Space Object functions list

Return to functions list

modding/function/objchangeequipmentstatus.txt · Last modified: 2017/02/03 20:57 by xephyr