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Syntax (objGetArmorRepairPrice obj [shipObj] armorItem hpToRepair)
Arguments obj: The object you want to get the repair price from
[shipObj]: The ship object the armor is on (optional; skip to just check an armor type)
armorItem: The armor item to be repaired
hpToRepair: A numerical HP value to repair.
Returns Price for the object to repair
Category spaceObject functions
Description Used for getting the cost of repairing a given HP amount for a given armor type from a given space object.


 (objGetArmorRepairPrice gSource gPlayerShip theArmor 100) 

Returns the price for the source to repair 100 HP on the armor segment theArmor on the playership, in the station's default currency.

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modding/function/objgetarmorrepairprice.txt · Last modified: 2017/02/04 06:52 by xephyr