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See objIncData at Xelerus

Syntax (objIncData spaceObject string [number])
Arguments spaceObject: The space object you want to alter a numerical data in.
string: The name of the data you want to alter.
[number]: The amount you want to add to the data. If this value is left out, then the value 1 is automatically used.
Returns condition: True if successful.
Category data, spaceobject
Description Adds the number to the data in the space object named by the string.


(objIncData gPlayerShip "rins" 100)

Adds 100 rins to the player.

(objIncData gPlayerShip "rins")

Add 1 rin to the player. Return to Functions list

modding/function/objincdata.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/27 04:40 by