A drive device is a miscellaneous device that increases the maneuverability of a ship. One per ship by default.
Basic Attributes
- maxSpeed= The maximum speed (in % of light-speed) when this drive is enabled. Applies only if it is greater than the ship's default value.
- maxSpeedInc=
- powerUse= The power consumed (in 1/10 MW) when this drive is in use.
- powerUsed= DEPRECATED: Use powerUse instead
- thrust= An additive bonus to apply to the ship's thrust
- inertialessDrive= If “true”, then this drive will instantaneously accelerate any ship to its max speed
- rotationAccel= The rate at which the ship accelerates while rotating (in degrees/tick per tick). Applies only if it is greater than the ship's default value.
- rotationStopAccel= The rate at which the ship decelerates from rotation (in degrees/tick per tick). Applies only if it is greater than the ship's default value.
- maxRotationRate= The max rate at which the ship can rotate (in degrees/tick). Applies only if it is greater than the ship's default value.
Inherits Device attributes and properties
modding/xml/drivedevice.txt · Last modified: 2017/04/13 07:23 by 0xabcdef