Name NAMI missile launcher
UNID &itNAMIMissileLauncher
Level III
Base Value 1000
Mass 1000 (1.0 tons)
Frequency common
Fire Rate 30 (2/second)
Power Use 10 (1MW)
Missiles Used
KM100 Longbow missile
Damage blast:4d6 (4-24) momentum4; WMD5
Lifetime 120
Manueverability unguided
KM110 Starburst missile
Damage blast:2d6+2 (4-16) momentum2; WMD1
Lifetime 120
Manueverability unguided
Fragment: Missiles 5d6 (5-30)
Damage kinetic:1d6+2 (3-9) WMD1;
Lifetime 5
KM120 Brute missile
Damage blast:10d6 (10-60) momentum2; WMD6
Lifetime 120
Manueverability unguided
KM500 Stiletto missile
Damage blast:4d6 (4-24) momentum4; WMD5
Lifetime 120
Manueverability 2
KM550 Broadsword missile
Damage blast:10d6 (10-60) momentum4; WMD6
Lifetime 120
Manueverability 2
XM300 Reaper missile
Damage blast:5d6 (5-30) radiation1; momentum4; WMD4
Lifetime 120
Manueverability unguided
XM900 Lucifer missile
Damage thermo:6d24 (6-144) momentum6; WMD7
Lifetime 120
Manueverability 2
Fragment: Radius
Damage thermo:6d24 (6-144) momentum6; WMD7
Lifetime 5
Size 4

Game Description

“This launcher is compatible with a full range of popular missiles including the KM100 Longbows and the XM900 Lucifers.”


Possibly the most versatile weapon in the game. While it's tempting, it is best not to use missiles on small targets unless you really have to. KM550s are extremely rare in V1.01, more so than the far more damaging XM900.