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atmAddEntry is not included in the Xelerus list.

Syntax (atmAddEntry atmtable number object) → object
Argument List atmtable: variable that contains the table of 'atoms'
number: integer that denotes where the atom is contained. Used for lookup.
object: a variable (or other object?) that is stored with the integer given in number.
Returns object: Returns the object added as an atom on success. Returns Nil on failure?
Category atom functions
Description This adds an atom in the form of a pair consisting of an integer and a variable(?)



(setq a (atmAtomTable
  (list '(string hello) (list "5" " Print") (list 3 "World") '(8 "me"))
(atmList a) 

Returns (0 3 5 8)

(atmAddEntry a 2 "Scripting")

Returns Scripting

(atmList a) 

Returns (0 2 3 5 8)

IMPORTANT: It is not known whether this function is stable for use. Use with caution!

See also Atom functions.

modding/function/atmaddentry.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/27 04:40 by