This is the Talk Page for Lookup
Lookup: Talk Page
Item lookup table data from Transcendence.xml
This was all originally in a format like …
I am not sure it is a good idea that we replicate all this information on the wiki.
First of all, it is a lot of work to maintain between releases, where these things
might get tweaked, second of all, it discourages people from looking in the xml,
which, imo, is what they should be doing if they want this information. - alterecco
It's just a talk page - not official content. ptbptb
OK, I guess that does change things :) I just don't really understand it's purpose. Do you have a plan with this content? alterecco
I needed it for my modified version of the Galactic Traders mod. Item generation from lookup tables wasn't supported in Galactic Traders so I generated approximate equivalents using this data. It's what allows mining stations to generate new ore. ptbptb
Galactic Traders BEFORE
(list "lookups" (list '(&trGT_OreSelection; 1) ) )
Galactic Traders AFTER
(list "items" (list '(&itTitaniumOre; (rollDice 3 10)) '(&itPlasteelOre; (rollDice 2 8 1)) '(&itPalladiumOre; (rollDice 2 6)) '(&itCeralloyOre; (rollDice 2 4)) '(&itXenotiteOre; (rollDice 1 5)) '(&itDuralloyOre; (rollDice 1 2)) ) )
<ItemTable UNID="&trConsumables1;"> <RandomItem criteria= "fmut +Consumable; -Illegal; -Military" level= "1" levelCurve= "2" /> </ItemTable>
For ease of display I have changed this to
- &trConsumables1
- criteria = “fmut +Consumable; -Illegal; -Military”
- level = “1”
- levelCurve = “2”
Full table follows below: – ptbptb
- trConsumables1
- criteria = “fmut +Consumable; -Illegal; -Military”
- level = “1”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trConsumables2
- criteria = “fmut +Consumable; -Illegal; -Military”
- level = “2”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trConsumables3
- criteria = “fmut +Consumable; -Illegal; -Military”
- level = “3”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trConsumables4
- criteria = “fmut +Consumable; -Illegal; -Military”
- level = “4”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trConsumables5
- criteria = “fmut +Consumable; -Illegal; -Military”
- level = “5”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trConsumables6
- criteria = “fmut +Consumable; -Illegal;”
- level = “6”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trConsumables7
- criteria = “fmut +Consumable; -Illegal;”
- level = “7”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trConsumables8
- criteria = “fmut +Consumable; -Illegal;”
- level = “8”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trConsumables9
- criteria = “fmut +Consumable; -Illegal;”
- level = “9”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trConsumables10
- criteria = “fmut +Consumable; -Illegal;”
- level = “10”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trMajorItem1
- criteria = “wsd +MajorItem; -Illegal; -Military”
- level = “1”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trMajorItem2
- criteria = “wsd +MajorItem; -Illegal; -Military”
- level = “2”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trMajorItem3
- criteria = “wsd +MajorItem; -Illegal; -Military”
- level = “3”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trMajorItem4
- criteria = “wsd +MajorItem; -Illegal; -Military”
- level = “4”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trMajorItem5
- criteria = “wsd +MajorItem; -Illegal; -Military”
- level = “5”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trMajorItem6
- criteria = “wsd +MajorItem; -Illegal; -Military”
- level = “6”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trMajorItem7
- criteria = “wsd +MajorItem; -Illegal;”
- level = “7”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trMajorItem8
- criteria = “wsd +MajorItem; -Illegal;”
- level = “8”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trMajorItem9
- criteria = “wsd +MajorItem; -Illegal;”
- level = “9”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trMajorItem10
- criteria = “wsd +MajorItem; -Illegal;”
- level = “10”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trMinorItem1
- criteria = “afmut +MinorItem; -Illegal; -Military”
- level = “1”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trMinorItem2
- criteria = “afmut +MinorItem; -Illegal; -Military”
- level = “2”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trMinorItem3
- criteria = “afmut +MinorItem; -Illegal; -Military”
- level = “3”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trMinorItem4
- criteria = “afmut +MinorItem; -Illegal; -Military”
- level = “4”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trMinorItem5
- criteria = “afmut +MinorItem; -Illegal; -Military”
- level = “5”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trMinorItem6
- criteria = “afmut +MinorItem; -Illegal;”
- level = “6”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trMinorItem7
- criteria = “afmut +MinorItem; -Illegal;”
- level = “7”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trMinorItem8
- criteria = “afmut +MinorItem; -Illegal;”
- level = “8”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trMinorItem9
- criteria = “afmut +MinorItem; -Illegal;”
- level = “9”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trMinorItem10
- criteria = “afmut +MinorItem; -Illegal;”
- level = “10”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trStationSupplies
- chance=“15” count=“1d6” item=“&itHelium3FuelRod;”
- chance=“25” count=“1d8” item=“&itFrozenSupplies;”
- chance=“20” count=“1d8” item=“&itHydrocarbons;”
- chance=“30” count=“1d12” item=“&itWaterIce;”
- chance=“10” count=“1d6” item=“&itMedicalSupplies;”
- trUsefulItems1
- chance=“50”
- criteria= “fmu -Illegal; -Military; -Alien”
- level= “1”
- levelCurve= “2”
- chance=“50”
- criteria= “fmu -Illegal; -Military; -Alien”
- level= “2”
- levelCurve= “2”
- trMiscItems1
- chance=“50”
- criteria= “t -Illegal; -Military; -Alien”
- level= “1”
- levelCurve= “2”
- chance=“50”
- criteria= “t -Illegal; -Military; -Alien”
- level= “2”
- levelCurve= “2”
- trMiscItems2
- chance=“50”
- criteria= “t -Illegal; -Military; -Alien”
- level= “3”
- levelCurve= “2”
- chance=“50”
- criteria= “t -Illegal; -Military; -Alien”
- level= “4”
- levelCurve= “2”
- trUsefulItems2
- chance=“50”
- criteria= “fmu -Illegal; -Military; -Alien”
- level= “3”
- levelCurve= “2”
- chance=“50”
- criteria= “fmu -Illegal; -Military; -Alien”
- level= “4”
- levelCurve= “2”
- trMiscItems3
- chance=“50”
- criteria= “t -Illegal; -Military; -Alien”
- level= “5”
- levelCurve= “2”
- chance=“50”
- criteria= “t -Illegal; -Military; -Alien”
- level= “6”
- levelCurve= “2”
- trHaloGems
- criteria = “* +HaloGem;”
- level = “7”
- levelCurve = “1”
- trCargoContainer
- chance=“10” count=“6d6” item=“&itHelium3FuelRod;”
- chance=“10” count=“3d6” item=“&itSiliconArmorPatch;”
- chance=“5” count=“3d6” item=“&itOrganicAcid;”
- chance=“10” count=“3d12” item=“&itTitaniumOre;”
- chance=“10” count=“2d12” item=“&itDuralloyOre;”
- chance=“10” count=“3d12” item=“&itHydrocarbons;”
- chance=“10” count=“1d12” item=“&itPteracniumOre;”
- chance=“5”
- count=“3d6” item=“&itKM100Missile;”
- count=“2d6” item=“&itKM500Missile;”
- chance=“15”
- count=“1d4” table=“&trMiscItems1;
- count=“1” table=”&trUsefulItems1;
- chance=“10” count=“1d6” table=“&trMiscItems1;
- chance=“5” count=“1d6” table=”&trMiscItems2;
- trIllegalItems1
- criteria = “* +Illegal”
- level = “1”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trIllegalItems2
- criteria = “* +Illegal”
- level = “2”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trIllegalItems3
- criteria = “* +Illegal”
- level = “3”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trMilitaryItem4
- criteria = “* +Military”
- level = “4”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trMilitaryItem5
- criteria = “* +Military”
- level = “5”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trMilitaryItem6
- criteria = “* +Military”
- level = “6”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trMilitaryItem7
- criteria = “* +Military”
- level = “7”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trMilitaryItem8
- criteria = “* +Military”
- level = “8”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trMilitaryItem9
- criteria = “* +Military”
- level = “9”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trMilitaryItem10
- criteria = “* +Military”
- level = “10”
- levelCurve = “2”
- trMedicalItem
- criteria = “* +Meds”
- level = “5”
- levelCurve = “4”
modding/xml/lookup_talk_page.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/27 04:40 by