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FIXME Please correct any inaccuracies.


From the XML'd elementDocument

<Lookup Attributes="chance,count,table" />

Lookup is a child element of <Table> or of <Group> (itself a child element of <Table>).

For actual example of use you can see Transcendence.xml (one pasted below) or one of a large number of mods.

… skip …

        <Group chance="15">
            <Lookup count="1d4" table="&trMiscItems1;"/>
            <Lookup count="1" table="&trUsefulItems1;"/>
        <Lookup chance="10" count="1d6" table="&trMiscItems1;"/>
        <Lookup chance="5" count="1d6" table="&trMiscItems2;"/>

Sub elements and attributes

  • chance: (Optional) %chance of the lookup being done from that Lookup element. When specified the total of the chance attributes of all the elements inside the <Table> element equals 100%.
  • count: How many times to look up from the table.
  • table: An <ItemTable> containing the criteria, level and level curve used to select the items.

A list of the item lookup tables defined in Transcendence.xml can be found easily by searching on the string '<ItemTable UNID=“&' (but I have also pasted it into the Talk Page)

Go back to list of tags

modding/xml/lookup.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/27 04:40 by